Meet our JSD Students and Candidates

Aleksandra Wawrzyszczuk


JSD Aleksandra Wawrzyszczuk

Dissertation Title: TBD

Doctoral Supervisor: Professor Lewis Kornhauser

Biography: Aleksandra joins the JSD Program in Fall 2024, having graduated with a 4.0 GPA in the LLM Legal Theory at NYU, where she was a research assistant to Professor J.H.H. Weiler. Previously based in the UK, she directed EMEA’s largest legal sector transformation programme LawtechUK, funded by the UK’s Ministry of Justice, and worked as an adjunct professor in the Management School at Liverpool University, teaching legal technology, regulation, and ethics.

Research: Aleksandra’s research interests span analytic philosophy, law and technology. Her project explores conceptual frameworks underpinning legal responses to technology and innovation.

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