Our JSD students and candidates hail from all over the world and from a variety of graduate law faculties. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Clicking on the students name will bring you to his or her own individual webpage.
Aleksandra Wawrzyszczuk, TBD |
Ally Potamianos, TBD |
Anja Bossow, Justifying Citizenship Deprivation |
Federico Jorge Gaxiola Lappe, Conflicts of Rights and Moral Remainders in Legal Adjudication: The Case of Defamation |
Henry Federer, TBD |
Jingxian (Joanne) Zeng, TBD |
Junhao Chen, TBD |
Lauren Pavli, Pacific Islands regionalism and submarine fibreoptic cables |
Lyndon Entwistle, TBD |
Mateo Merchán Duque, TBD |
Mengjing Kong, Confronting Sovereign Investment: Challenges for Global Financial Governance: Case Studies in the Financing of China's Belt and Road |
Ming Yi, TBD |
Ngozi Nwanta, Governing Identifiable Information in the Credit Market |
Patricio Enrique Kenny, TBD |
Xi Zhang, What We Value About Others: Associative Obligation From the Perspective of Practical Reasoning |
Yijiao Wang, TBD |