There are a variety of resources to assist you during your time at NYU Law and beyond.
Law School Resources
Law School Offices
The Office of Student Affairs can assist you with day-to-day concerns and connect you with relevant resources or further assistance. You can email them at or call them during business hours at (212) 998-6658.
- The Office of Global Programs and the Office of Graduate Affairs work closely together to provide support to international students.
- The Office of Career Services has a variety of resources and events related to diversity as it connects to job opportunities and career preparation.
Academic and Professional Centers
- Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law
- Birnbaum Women’s Leadership Network
- Brennan Center for Justice
Student Groups
NYU Law has a variety of student groups which represent shared identities, such as:
- Asian/Pacific Allied Law Students Association (APALSA)
- Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
- Coalition on Law and Representation (CoLR)
- Christian Law Students Association (CLSA)
- Disability Allied Law Student Association (DALSA)
- First Generation Professionals (FGP)
- Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA)
- Latinx Law Students Association (LaLSA)
- Law Women
- Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association (MENALSA)
- Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA)
- Native American Law Students Association (NALSA)
- OUTLaw
- South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA)
- Women of Color Collective (WoCC)
Committees and Collaborations
- The Inclusion and Diversity Committee addresses policy and structural issues to foster and support diversity and inclusion at NYU Law.
- NYU supports the High School Law Institute, a student organization providing free academic programming in talented NYC high school students interested in the legal field. NYU Law students and NYU undergraduate scholars serve as instructors.
- NYU also collaborates with Legal Outreach, an organization which provides social and career support to first-generation, low-income, and/or racial minority youth in New York City. NYU Law students assist Legal Outrach as debate coaches and judges.
University Resources
- The Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture works to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
- The Office of Global Services provides support for international students across the University, including assistance with visa and immigration issues, community-building activities, and networking with other international students.
- The NYU Office of Global Inclusion provides consultation, resources, and strategies to drive the university toward inclusion of all community members. Check out their website for a reading list, arts and cultural events, toolkits, and more.
- The Center for Multicultural Education and Programs offers high-quality trainings, events, and resources for NYU community members.
- The LGBTQ+ Center at NYU is a source for community and education for LGBTQ+ students and allies. They offer events, discussion groups, student groups, and trainings.
- The Student Health Center offers Wellness Workshops for various skills and shared identities, as well as Group Counseling sessions for shared concerns and identities.
NYC/NY Resources
- Identity-Based Bar Associations in NYC and NY
- New York City Bar Association | Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- New York State Bar Association | Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- New York City Bar Association | Student Pipeline Programs
Nationwide Resources
- American Bar Association | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Center
- Directory of Lawyer Assistance Programs by state