NY Affinity Bar Association List

Amistad Long Island Black Bar Association
Email: amistadblackbar@gmail.com

Arab American Bar Association
Email: info@arabamericanbar.org 

Asian American Bar Association of New York
Email: Via form on website

Association of Black Women Attorneys New York
Email: Info@abwanewyork.org

Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association
Email: info@brooklynwomensbar.org
Phone: (347) 790-0300

Capital District Black and Hispanic Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

Capital District Women’s Bar Association
Email: administrator@cdwba.org 
Phone: (518) 313-3003

Central New York Women’s Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

Columbian Lawyers Association
Email: info@columbianlawyers.com

Dominican Bar Association
Email: dominicanbarassoc@gmail.com

Greater Rochester Association for Women Attorneys
Email: info@grawa.org

Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York
Email: halaofny@gmail.com

Hispanic National Bar Association (New York Region II)
Phone: (202) 223-4777

The Irish American Bar Association of New York
Email: Via form on website 
Phone: (646) 237-7265

Jewish Lawyers Guild
Email: info@jewishlawyersguild.org

Korean American Lawyer Association of Greater New York
Email: kalagny@gmail.com
Phone: 1-833-KALAGNY

Latino Lawyers Association of Queens County
Email: info@latinolawyers.org

Email: Via form on website 

Long Island Hispanic Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

Metropolitan Black Bar Association
Email: info@mbbanyc.org
Phone: (212) 964-1645

Minority Bar Association of Western New York
Email: minoritybarassociationofwny@gmail.com 

Muslim Bar Association of New York
Email: info@mubany.org 

Nassau County Women’s Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

New York Women’s Bar Association
Email: info@nywba.org 
Phone: (212) 490-8202

Nigerian Lawyers Association
Email: Message via Facebook, website appears to be down.

Puerto Rican Bar Association
Email: president@prbany.com

Queens County Women’s Bar Association
Email: info@qcwba.org 
Phone: (718) 595-0585

Rochester Black Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

Rockland County Women’s Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

South Asian Bar Association of New York
Email: info@sabany.org 

Staten Island Women’s Bar Association
Email: Via form on website

Suffolk County Women’s Bar Association
Email: admin@suffolkwomensbar.org

Westchester Black Bar Association
Email: firstvp@wbbany.org 

Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
Email: info@wbasny.org
Phone: (212) 362-4445

Women’s Bar Association of Sullivan & Orange Counties
Email: Via form on website