Clinical Law Review

Clinical Law Review Writers' Workshop 2025

Clinical Writers’ Workshop

October 4, 2025
at NYU School of Law

The Clinical Law Review will hold its annual Clinical Writers’ Workshop on Saturday, October 4, 2025, at NYU Law School. 

The Clinical Law Review Writers’ Workshop provides an opportunity for clinical teachers who are writing about any subject (clinical pedagogy, substantive law, interdisciplinary analysis, empirical work, etc.) to meet with other clinicians writing on related topics to discuss their works-in-progress and brainstorm ideas for further development of their articles.  Attendees will meet in small groups organized (to the extent possible) by the subject matter in which they are writing.  Each group will “workshop” the draft of each member of the group.

Participation in the Clinical Law Review’s Workshop requires the submission of a paper because the workshop takes the form of small group sessions in which all members of the group comment on each other’s manuscripts. 

As in the previous Clinical Law Review Workshops, participants will not have to pay an admission or registration fee. To assist those who wish to participate but who need assistance for travel and lodging, we will offer scholarships for travel / lodgings. But our budget for scholarships is very small and, in order to spread the money around to as many recipients as possible, we need to cap the amount at a maximum of $500 per person. Moreover, we have to reserve the scholarships for clinical faculty members who will not receive funding from their schools for conference travel.

June 15, 2025: Deadline for Registration and Prospectus

To register for the Workshop, please fill out either (1) the General Registration Form or (2) the Registration With Request for Travel/Lodging Scholarship, and send the form to Randy Hertz at e-mail address

The Registration form must be accompanied by a mini-draft or prospectus, 3 to 5 pages in length, of the article you intend to present at the Workshop.  The mini-draft or prospectus should contain the tentative title of the article and a short description of the main points contemplated by the article.

The deadline for submitting the Registration for and prospectus is June 15, 2025.  In order to participate in the Workshop, registrants must circulate a full draft of the article to their small group by no later than September 13, 2025.