News@NYU Law

Kim Taylor-Thompson speaking at event
In an October 3 discussion, amid national debate over Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault claims against then-US…
Edward Troup speaking
Delivering the 23rd annual David R. Tillinghast Lecture on International Taxation, Edward Troup, former executive chair…
Josep Borrell Fontelles speaking
At the 14th annual Emile Noël Lecture, Josep Borrell Fontelles, former president of the European Parliament and…
Chai Feldblum, Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
As the #MeToo movement approaches its one-year anniversary, sexual misconduct allegations against powerful figures in…
Troy McKenzie
On September 26, amid controversy over the US Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gibson, Dunn &…
New York University’s Making a Difference Award was presented to Alina Das ’05, professor of clinical law and…
When the Supreme Court of India issued a landmark ruling this month that overturned India’s 157-year-old law…
Solomon Oliver Jr
As a student in Bessemer, Alabama’s segregated public schools, Solomon Oliver Jr. ’72 did not envision a future as a…
Portrait of Elie Hirschfeld '77
NYU School of Law’s Family Defense Clinic (FDC), which seeks to protect and expand due process rights of families…
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray On September 7, Professor Melissa Murray testified at the US Supreme Court confirmation hearing…
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes The Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging’s 2017–18 Speaker Series included MSNBC host…
Dicta 2018 Roebling Portrait
Talk of the Law School Pesek, Reister, Smith, Yee, and Winn…
Trevor Morrison
The 2018–19 academic year is my sixth as dean. I am excited to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past five…
Criminal Justice Portrait
NYU Law faculty, alumni, and students are helping drive changes across the criminal justice system—often with an eye on…
Illustration of motherboard with conference table in the centers
NYU Law alumni lead the legal departments at some of the biggest corporate names in the technology sector. BY…
Demonstration in Washington Square Park in 1968, and BALSA demonstration against police violence in 2015.
For 50 years, the Black Allied Law Students Association has been a voice and a community for students at NYU Law. BY…
The Law Alumni of Color Association celebrates four decades in which members have supported and inspired one another to…
Jason Schultz
Revelations that Cambridge Analytica mined Facebook data in the 2016 election sparked new concerns about data privacy…
Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies
NYU Law opens more doors to the world with the launch of the Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies…