Human Resources

Hiring Administrators and Staff

New York University School of Law endeavors to hire the best employee for every job and is an equal opportunity employer. We take steps to identify and encourage highly qualified applicants to apply for jobs and strive to make the hiring process as clear and as easy as possible for applicants and managers.

The following process is intended to ensure that we meet the above goals and legal requirements with respect to recruitment. This process is to be completed for all administrator and staff job openings, whether they are replacements, restructured jobs or new jobs. Every potential job opening is an opportunity to take another look at our organization, needs and resources. Approval (Step 1 below) is only waived in the event a job must be reposted during a recent hire’s probation period. It is inappropriate to approach employees or potential employees to recruit them for a job that has not yet been approved.

Step 1 - Approval:

The hiring department must complete and submit a hiring approval form (PDF: 102 KB) with the job description and an updated organization chart to Human Resources (“HR”) ( which is presented for review by Finance and the Dean’s Office. The hiring department should discuss with Finance plans for creation of new jobs, restructuring of existing positions and backfilling of vacancies during the annual budget season. It should be anticipated that new jobs and other hiring plans with significant budget impact that were not discussed during the previous budget season may not be funded until the following year’s budget cycle. All requests for new jobs, restructured jobs and jobs that have been vacant for more than 3 months require written confirmation of funding from Finance prior to submitting a hiring approval form. Departments work with HR to edit and develop new job descriptions which are subject to University approval. There may be questions with respect to the hiring approval request that require a call or meeting with Finance and the Dean’s Office. Review by Finance should be expected to take a minimum of one week for straightforward replacements with additional time needed for analysis of new positions or those restructurings or backfills which may have a potentially significant budget impact.

Step 2 – Job Posting and Recruitment Plan:

Once the job posting is approved, HR posts it on NYU’s jobsite. Note that clerical and technical union staff jobs may only be posted on Mondays. Departments consult with HR on a recruitment plan, including external posting if desired (to be charged to the hiring department).

Each job posting is an opportunity for the hiring department to thoughtfully consider their team and their needs. It is important to take care to identify the right fit for the job, considering what the applicant can execute as well as how they engage in their work and interact with others. It is also worthwhile to consider the applicant’s aspirations and how the role may or may not keep their interest. Identifying the best match for the role and the department, where the hire is intrinsically rewarded in their work, meshes well with the team, and adds value requires considered thought, planning and analysis, but the value cannot be overstated. Getting the right fit in a new hire means less time spent managing performance and dealing with interpersonal issues and conflicts. HR can assist departments throughout the recruitment process.

Step 3 – Résumé Review, Interviews and Testing:

Résumés are reviewed and applicants are selected for interview (note that clerical and technical union staff that apply within 5 business days of posting have contractual rights to an interview for clerical and technical union jobs first). In order to meet Affirmative Action and EEO reporting requirements, interviewers need to ensure they are considering a diverse pool of applicants. Top candidates(s) are identified by the department, considering the best fit for the department.

When interviewing applicants, you may not ask any questions or engage in conversation with applicants regarding: salary and benefits history, age (including asking what year graduated from college), race, national origin, birthplace, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender identification, disability, health issues, child care needs, marital or parental status, pregnancy, anything related to unemployment (e.g., “Are you currently working?”, or “What were you doing during this employment gap?”), or anything related to criminal history or any type of background checking.

Please review these Quick Tips for Interviewing (PDF: 30.1 KB).

The University also offers pre-employment skills and software testing that your selected candidates can complete online, or you can create your own internal in-person tests.  Please reach out to HR for more information.

Step 4 - References

To conduct reference checks, the finalist must complete the following Reference Check Release Form for Previous Employers (PDF: 272 KB) and the Reference Check Release Form for Current or Most Recent Employer (PDF: 535 KB).  Upon receiving the completed authorization forms, you may check references with the applicant’s previous employers before making the applicant a contingent offer of employment.  To check references with the applicant’s current employer, you must wait until after the applicant receives a contingent offer of employment unless the applicant authorizes otherwise in the completed authorization form.

Reminder: you may not ask references about salary and benefits history.

Step 5 – The Contingent Offer:

The hiring department determines which applicant is the very best for the job, with a clear rationale for the choice, consults with HR and confirms the terms. It is inappropriate to make promises regarding salary before a salary has been approved by HR and the University. If the offer is to be above the approved salary on the approved hiring approval form, written confirmation of funding from Finance is also required. Please allow at least one week for budget review by Finance in these cases. Once the terms are finalized and confirmed by HR and the department has provided all required documentation including a list of all those interviewed, completed reference release forms and any completed checks, and a proposed start date is set (two weeks+ from the issuance of the offer letter is ideal), HR sends a contingent offer letter and forms including the Criminal History Questionnaire, I-9 Document List, and Anti-Discrimination/Harassment Policy.

Step 6 – Receipt and Review of Documents from Finalist:

Once the finalist completes and returns required paperwork, HR reviews it.  If the finalist has submitted a criminal history questionnaire and checked the box “No” then proceed to Step 6.   If the finalist has submitted the criminal history questionnaire checking the box “Yes”, HR reaches out to the University contact who will arrange for background checking directly with the finalist and in consultation with the Office of General Counsel.  There are no exceptions to this policy and there are stringent legal requirements that must be followed.  Once this process is complete, HR will advise the department regarding moving forward with the hire (move to Step 7) or rescinding the offer.

Step 7 – Final Reference Checks:

Conduct reference check for the finalist’s current employer if not authorized to do so earlier.  Three+ references from direct supervisors (as possible) in total from previous and current employers are required and should be sent to HR along with releases.  If there is any reason not to move forward with hire based on reference check completed post-contingent offer, HR will consult with the University’s Office of General Counsel before any action is taken.  Rescinding an offer for any reason requires approval by the Office of General Counsel.

Step 8 – Completing the Hire:

Once HR has confirmed all steps have been taken and we have all the information needed, the hire is completed. Regrets are sent to those interviewed who were not selected.

HR sends the new hire the form which complies with New York State Wage Theft Prevention Act (NY195) requirements, which the applicant signs and returns, and a link to register personal information on our secured web application (NYU LAW – Core Data Management System “CDMS”). Registration in CDMS generates a NetID for the new hire and also results in automated emails to various departments, including the hiring department, to advise/remind them to set up the new hire’s computer access, telephone, and office space prior to their arrival.