Application Fees and Deposits
All summer applications require a $1,000.00 deposit. The $1,000 deposit is refundable if your offered assignment is cancelled prior to April 1st by 5:00 p.m. (ET).
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Summer housing deposits must be made online via the NYU eSuite. To submit the deposit online, once in the NYU eSuite, applicants must click on the eDeposits tab. Step by step directions here.
Payment Due Dates
- Please refer to the School of Law Payment Schedule for guidance.
- Residents are charged on a full-week basis (Sunday - Saturday) regardless of whether they arrive later or leave earlier than the confirmed lease period.
- Summer residents must pay all balances in full by the due date on their Bursar's statement and prior to arrival.
- Only those residents who have paid their balances in full will be permitted to check-in.
- The license binds applicants to all terms and fees regardless of whether they arrive later or leave earlier than the confirmed license period.
- Residents can view real-time account activity through the NYU eSuite.
- The balance due may be paid by electronic check, personal check, bank draft, money order, certified check, or wire transfer. Payment cannot be submitted to the Department of Residence Services. NYU does not accept credits cards. More information on this change is available on the NYU Bursar's Office website. For international applicants using Flywire, select the Initiate student account payment for tuition and fees, etc. by Flywire link and submit payment for $1,000.00. After submitting, please send an e-mail to to inform Bursar of the payment and that it is for the Summer Living in New York City program, and their office will re-code the payment as a deposit to the Law summer housing deposit term.