
Purpose of the Policy

NYU School of Law faculty members incur various types of travel expenses as they perform tasks and duties that support the operations of the institution and further its missions. This policy is to ensure that faculty members who incur valid travel business expenses are reimbursed in a fair and equitable manner; that business expenses are reported, recorded, and reimbursed in a consistent manner throughout the School of Law; and that the School of Law complies with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.

Summary of the Policy

Full-time tenure, tenure-track, and contract faculty members are eligible to seek reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses for work-related workshops, colloquia, symposia, and conferences at which they are speaking, if those expenses are not paid by the organizer. Faculty members are also currently eligible to seek reimbursement for one work-related trip each year when they are not presenting. 

Requests for reimbursable travel must be reviewed and approved in advance of purchase. Please provide cost estimates that are as close as possible to the actual outcome. To seek reimbursement, please fill out the travel request form and submit it to the Dean's Office: DeansOffice@mercury.law.nyu.edu. The Dean's Office will review your request and, if approved, will the return the approved form for you to include with the reimbursement request. 


Who Needs to Know this Policy?

All faculty and their assistants.

Forms for Downloading