
Distinguished Jurist Lecture 
October 24, 2023
Vice Chancellor Travis Laster
Video of Vice Chancellor Laster Lecture

Distinguished Jurist Lecture 
February 8, 2023 
Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick

Distinguished Jurist Lecture
November 3, 2022
Chief Justice Collins Seitz

ESG Panel
May 1, 2020
Virtual Event

Working Session on Proxy Plumbing: 
Is an Accurate/Verifiable Tabulation Possible in a Close Proxy Content? What Can be Learned from the P&G Experience?

February 2, 2018

How Does Hedge Fund Activism Reshape Corporate Innovation?
January 25, 2018 

Shareholder Engagement Panel
November 20, 2017

Distinguished Jurist Lecture
November 13, 2019 
Chancellor Andre Bouchard
Video of Chancellor Bouchard's Lecture

Distinguished Jurist Lecture
November 29, 2018 
Chief Justice Leo Strine