
Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 1, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Deal Day: Project Manifest - the Restructuring of Global Indemnity Insurance
Lipton Hall, D'Agostino Hall
Reception to follow.

Thursday, April 10 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Revlon at 40
Lipton Hall, D'Agostino Hall
Reception to follow.

Thursday, May 1, 9:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Spring Roundtable: Advanced Notice Bylaws
Lipton Hall, D'Agostino Hall
Invitation Only

Audience at a conference


The Institute's conferences gather experts from academia, government, and private practice to address issues at the cutting edge of corporate governance and finance debates. Recent conference topics have included "REITs in a Time of Disruption" and "Human Capital and ESG Disclosures."

Exterior of SEC headquarters

Conversations with Regulators

The Institute provides a forum for conversations with regulators about current hot topics giving audience members a chance to engage in dialogue and Q&A.

Interior of conference room

Corporate Governance Bootcamps

Each year, the Institute hosts a Corporate Governance Bootcamp for junior and mid-career stewardship professionals jointly with the Council of Institutional Investors.

Podium of Lipton Hall


In November 2018, the Institute invited its first Distinguished Jurist Lecturer. Due to the pandemic, there was a two year hiatus, with the Lecture resuming in November 2022. So far, all of the Distinguished Jurists have been Delaware jurists.

Interior room prepared for roundtable discussion

Roundtable Events

The Roundtable Series seeks to bring together lawyers, academics, and corporate governance professionals. Each roundtable focuses on a cutting edge issue facing corporate governance and finance and draws together insights from academia and practice.