CLE Written Materials

Legal Issues in Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing—In the US and Beyond: June 6-7, 2023

June 6-7, 2023
New York University School of Law
Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, New York City

Register for the Conference

This event has been approved for 16 New York State CLE credits in the category of Areas of Professional Practice. Each panel is approved for 1 credit. The credit is both transitional and non-transitional; it is appropriate for both experienced and newly admitted attorneys. Those panels that have been approved for CLE credit hours are indicated with an asterisk (*) in this conference program.

NYU School of Law is committed to the availability of quality affordable CLE programs for its alumni community and members of the bar-at-large. Prospective attendees interested in obtaining financial aid for this program should contact NYU Law School's the Grunin Center for Law and Social Entrepreneurship at Written requests for financial aid should include applicant name, phone number, email address, employment status and recent employment history, along with a brief statement of financial need. All requests for financial aid will be kept confidential.

Distributive Power and Wealth: Is the Impact Space Ready and Willing to Democratize Capital?

Conference Theme: Distributive Power and Wealth: Is the Impact Space Ready and Willing to Democratize Capital?

Democratization: Moving Beyond “Localization”

Government Development Aid

1. Localization at USAID: The vision and the approach

2. ADS Chapter 303: Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Non-Governmental Organizations

[See Section 303.3.6.5c.(1) and Definitions:  Local Entity/ Locally Established Partner]

3. USAID Risk Appetite Statement (A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 596)

4. New Partnerships Initiatives Standard Practices and Definitions

5.  OMB Management and Budget Final Guidance re: "Substantial Involvement"

Country Government Perspective

1. International Bill of Rights

2.  Social Enterprise and Job Creation in Sub-Saharan Africa (British Counsel) in_sub-saharan_africa_final_singlepages.pdf

3. European American Journals Article:  Impacts of Political Interference in Public in Kibaha Town Council Administration Public-Administration-in-Kibaha-Town-Council.pdf

Multilateral Development Banks

1.  Sustainable Financing in Economic Social and Infrastructure

2.  Sustainable Investing: A Playbook for VC Funds

Donor-Advised Funds/Impact Investing

1. IRS Donor Advised Funds

2.  What is a Donor-Advised Fund

3. Impact Assets Charitable Funds

Demonstrating Democratization: Putting in the work
Distributive models: Thinking outside the box
Democratizing Information: Spreading the knowledge wealth
  • Template Debt-Style Revenue Based Financing Term Sheet developed for the Innovative Finance Playbook. Publicly available at
  • Template Equity-Style Revenue Based Financing Term Sheet developed for the Innovative Finance Playbook. Publicly available at

Examples of Organizations Standardizing Access to Legal Transaction Documents

Impact Investing in Times of Crisis: Governance, Collaboration, Restructurings, Data, and Resilience

Conference Theme: Impact Investing in Times of Crisis: Governance, Collaboration, Restructurings, Data, and Resilience 

The Evolution of Contracting for Impact – Lessons Learned and Still to Be Learned
Pandemics, wars and earthquakes: distressed situations in impact investments— experiences and tools


New Models for Impact: Technology, Data, Governance and Collaboration
Role of Catalytic Investment, Philanthropy and Impact First - post COVID and other crises

Dynamic Impact Capital: Evolving Rules, Players, Structures, and Products

Conference Theme: Dynamic Impact Capital: Evolving Rules, Players, Structures, and Products 

Impact-Linked GP Compensation – From Theory to Action
Unlocking Endowment Assets for Greater Impact
Legal Team as Partners and Not Problems
Innovating on Innovation

A Tale of Diverging Regulatory Environments: Navigating Local and Global Regulations and Developing the Skills to Respon

Conference Theme: A Tale of Diverging Regulatory Environments: Navigating Local and Global Regulations and Developing the Skills to Respond 

Diverging State Regulation of ESG and Impact Investing
Comparative Global Regulation of Impact Investing
  • “Environmental, Social & Governance Comparative Guide – in Italy”, The Global Legal Post, 2023 (link)
  • “ESG and Impact Investing 2023 – in Italy”, Lexology 2022 (link2)
  • The EU regulation articles published by:
    • IBA’s Legal Practice Division on “EU Sustainable Finance and Greenwashing: Where Are We and What Lies Ahead?” 2023 (link3): focused on greenwashing and intends to contextualize the debate with respect to past, present and future relevant market and regulatory developments in Europe, focusing in particular on the impact on financial intermediaries
    • Wolters Kluwer “Road to Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)” (link4): focused on the contents of the CSRD and the differences with the NFDR
    • South pole “The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): Here’s how you can prepare for the new EU regulation” (link5): it dives deep on the contents of the CSRD and on how to prepare for its next application
    • SSRN “The Current State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting Regulation in the European Union” (link6): it provides an overview of sustainability disclosure regulation in the EU.
  • “Hong Kong’s ESG regulatory framework and emerging enforcement and disputes risk”, Lexology 2022 (link7)
  • “Guidance for Pursuing Impact in Listed Equities”, the GIIN (link8);
Creating ESG- and Impact-Ready Lawyers
Fifty Ways to Measure Impact: Challenges and Opportunities in Impact Reporting