The Grunin Center produces legal research and publications and develops tools to help lawyers, entrepreneurs and investors navigate the evolving legal and regulatory landscape for social entrepreneurship and impact investing in the US and beyond. These resources include:
- Grunin Center Resource Library. The Grunin Center hosts a virtual library of teaching tools that include situational case studies and interactive simulations (together with teaching notes) drawn from real-life events in the fields of social entrepreneurship and impact investing. You can find the Grunin Center Resource Library here.
- Social Enterprise Law Tracker. The Grunin Center maintains a status tool that allows users to visualize how laws and regulations impacting social entrepreneurship have spread across the United States, with plans to expand to other countries. You can find the Social Enterprise Law Tracker here.
- Mapping the State of Social Enterprise and the Law. The Grunin Center publishes an annual report that evaluates the state of social enterprise and the law in the United States. The report generally examines the challenges in defining the field of social entrepreneurship and impact investing, legislative developments in the United States with respect to forms of legal entities that are available to social entrepreneurs, and the role of US legal education in training a new generation of lawyers knowledgeable about the field of social entrepreneurship and impact investing. You can find the annual reports here.
- Legal Scholarship. The Grunin Center works to advance the fields of social entrepreneurship and impact investing through legal scholarship. You can find our Legal Scholarship here.
- Articles. The Grunin Center's team writes articles covering a variety of topics in the field. You can find our Articles here.