Password Policy
Law School policy requires that passwords must be a minimum of eight (8) characters in length, contain at least one lower-case letter, upper-case letter, number, and symbol. The following information can be used to create a password that follows this policy.
Passwords must meet the following complexity requirements:
- Minimum of eight (8) characters in length.
- Must include at least one of each of the following:
- letters (a-z and/or A-Z)
- at least one number (0-9)
- at least one special character: * ! @ # 0 ^ & * _ - = [ ] | ; ~ , . / ?
Passwords should be unique and not used for any other account. Previous Law School passwords cannot be reused.
Law School passwords expire after 365 days.
An expiration notice will be displayed upon login starting 14 days prior to expiry.
Changing a Password
Law School passwords can be changed from an NYU Law issued desktop or laptop, or from Outlook Web Access.
From a Windows Desktop
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Click Change a password.
Type your current password (Old Password).
Type, and retype, your new password (New Password, Confirm Password).
From a Mac Desktop joined to NYU Law Active Directory*
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Users & Groups
in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
If you’ve forgotten your login password and can’t log in to your Mac, contact Law ITS Helpdesk*.
Click the Info button
next to your user name on the right.
Click Change.
Enter your current password in the Old Password field.
Enter your new password in the New Password field, then enter it again in the Verify field.
For help choosing a secure password, click the Key button
next to the New Password field.
Enter a hint to help you remember the password.
The hint appears if you enter the wrong password three consecutive times, or if you click the question mark in the password field in the login window.
Click Change Password.
Instructions provided by Apple, except *where otherwise noted.
From a Remote Computer or Mac Desktop not joined to NYU Law Active Directory
Outlook Web Access
- Login to OWA at
- Click the gear/cog in the upper right corner and choose Options.
- Click General, then My Account.
- Click Change Your Password…
- Type your current password (Current password).
- Type, and retype, your new password (New password, Confirm new password).
- Click Save (below, to the right).
Account Lockout
If an account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts or because it has expired please call or visit Helpdesk for assistance.