Check here for regular updates on events and resources available both within the NYU Community and externally!
The Stability Network: Changing the Way We Talk About Mental Health
This organization provides resources and access to a community of practicing attorneys and colleagues in the legal field who identify as advocates and persons with mental health diagnoses. A great resource for navigating the complexities of the workplace. Find out more here.
NYU's Virtual Counseling and Wellness Services
NYU Counseling Services offers virtual individual counseling, group counseling (including a law students' support group), wellness workshops, referrals, and long-term psychiatric medication services. Except for psychiatric services, they are provided at no cost. To learn more, click here.
NYC Covid-19: Coping and Emotional Well-being Resource Guide
NYC Health has provided an online resource to provide guidance on how to cope with the emotional stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources can be found here and provides guidance on issues like healthy coping skills, connecting with friends, grief and loss, and anxiety.
NYC Mental Health Hotlines
NYC Well offers well-being and emotional support. If your symptoms of stress become overwhelming, you can contact NYC Well 24/7 to speak with a trained counselor.
Call New York State's COVID-19 Emotional Support Helpline at 844-863-9314 to talk to specially trained volunteer professionals. Volunteers are there to listen, and offer support and referrals from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. EST, 7 days a week.