Social Enterprise & Startup Law Group

Reading List

General Resources

Roger L. Martin & Sally Osberg, Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition, Stanford Social Innovation Review 29 (Spring 2007).

Paul C. Light, The Search for Social Entrepreneurship (2008).

Jed Emerson & Sheila Bonini, The Blended Value Map: Tracking the Intersects and Opportunities of Economic, Social and Environmental Value Creation (2004).

Pamela Hartigan & John Elkington, The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World (2008).

Michael Edwards, Just Another Emperor? The Myths and Realities of Philanthrocapitalism (2008).

Jed Emerson et al., Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Addressing the Critical Gaps in Risk-Taking Capital for Social Enterprise (2007).

Bill Drayton, Everyone a Changemaker: Social Entrepreneurship's Ultimate Goal, Innovations 80 (Winter 2006).



David Brooks, Thoroughly Modern Do-Gooders, N.Y. Times, Mar. 21, 2008.

Nicholas D. Kristof, The Age of Ambition, N.Y. Times, Jan. 27, 2008.

Gail Russell Chaddock, Social Activists Hunt for Congressional Seats . . . in G.O.P. Districts, Christian Science Monitor, July 10, 2008.

Unreasonable People Power, Economist, Jan. 22, 2008.

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