Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Students

NYU Law facilitates a listserv for pregnant and parenting students who want to connect, build community, and share resources with one another. Request to join the group.

NYU Law facilitates a listserv for pregnant and parenting students who want to connect, build community, and share resources with one another. Request to join the group.

Support During Pregnancy and Childbirth

The University prohibits discrimination based on parental status, pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation; medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions in all of its educational programs and activities pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

The Law School works with pregnant students to identify reasonable modifications that are appropriate to each person’s circumstances. Modifications are made on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the individual, and may include (but are not limited to) exam modifications or deferments, assistance with course load and scheduling, classroom modifications, remote access, and/or taping of classes for absences related to childbirth or pregnancy. You can also visit the U.S. Department of Education’s Know Your Rights - Title IX guide to learn more. 

Please contact the Office of Student Affairs ( or reach out directly to Ileana Casellas-Katz, Director for Diversity & Inclusion, at ( if you would like to discuss pregnancy-related modifications, or to learn more about other supports available to all students who are current or expectant parents. You can reach out at any time during your/your partner’s pregnancy, but it is recommended to do so as early as you feel is appropriate.

For Law School faculty, administrators, and staff who are pregnant and/or parenting, the Work Life Office coordinates reasonable accommodations. Work Life also has a Parenting at NYU newsletter.

Health Insurance - Pregnancy, Fertility & Birth Control

Both the Basic and Comprehensive student health insurance plans have similar provisions for students or students’ dependents who are seeking healthcare, including prenatal care, delivery, physician and midwife costs, postnatal care, infertility care, abortion procedures, contraception drugs or devices, and sterilization procedures. The cost of a breast pump is also covered with pre-authorization. The difference between the plans is the coinsurance percentage (the percent of costs you pay after you have met your deductible). 

The University also maintains the Graduate Financial Medical Hardship Fund which aims to assist full-time graduate students at NYU who have exhausted insurance and other financial resources and have unusually large, unpaid medical expenses that have caused a financial hardship.

Lactation Room

NYU supports nursing parents who return to school/work and continue to breastfeed their child by maintaining a private space where lactating parents can nurse their child or express milk. NYU-affiliated nursing parents, including faculty, staff, students, and guests who are breastfeeding, can register to use this lactation room.

NYU Law has two dedicated lactation rooms. The first is located at Vanderbilt Hall, 2nd Floor, next to the all-gender restroom. The second is located at Furman Hall, 2nd Floor, next to the all-gender restrooms. Both rooms are equipped with a comfortable chair, an electrical outlet, and a table or counter, as well as paper towels, a refrigerator, a Spectra pumping machine, and a sink.

In order to receive access to the NYU Law lactation rooms, please email The Office of Student Affairs will then provide you with the code for the room, and direct you to calendars that are used for scheduling. 

A number of other lactation rooms are located across the NYU campus and are accessible to students, staff and faculty affiliated with any school. This resource may be particularly helpful for dual-degree students or those cross-registered in courses at other schools. The public listing and further details are available at NYU Lactation Rooms (login required).

Housing & Financial Aid


Family housing accommodations are available at NYU Law, but in limited quantity. Students interested in living on campus should refer to the Family and Partner Housing webpage for more information on eligibility, offerings, and the housing application process.

Financial Aid 

NYU School of Law devotes substantial resources to financial aid, including institutional grants, scholarships, the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), and the PILC Summer Funding Program.

Eligible students are packaged with federal student loans based on the Standard Student Expense Budget. Students with dependents or additional expenses, may be eligible for a budget adjustment through the budget appeal process. Pregnant and parenting students are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Financial Services at or (212) 998-6050 to discuss their personal circumstances and receive individualized advising on this and other processes. 

The Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) supports NYU Law JD graduates who are committed to public service. Qualifying dependents are accounted for by the program. LRAP deducts $10,000 per qualifying dependent from a participant’s income in considering whether the person has a contribution to make toward their loans. In addition, LRAP coverage continues if a participant is on parental leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and offers 24 months of deferment should a participant opt to take a longer leave from employment, during which time the participant retains their eligibility and can continue to count those months toward their repayment timeline. While LRAP requires full-time employment of 35 hours per week, the program allows participants who are working part-time while caring for a dependent to maintain full eligibility. 

Parenting & Caregiver Support

Students who are parents at NYU Law should feel free to utilize Law School resources to handle issues that may arise. 

Short-Term Absences

For short-term absence from classes due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a child becoming ill or childcare falling through, students should work with their professors as you would for any other short-term absence such as for appointments or illness. The professor will provide guidance on how to catch up in a way that makes sense for the course (such as access to recording, getting notes from a classmate, extended office hours, etc.). If a student is facing issues in coordinating these short-term arrangements with their faculty member(s), they may reach out to Ileana Casellas-Katz, Director for Diversity & Inclusion, at ( for assistance.

Long-Term Absences

For more long-term issues, such as a child’s ongoing health issue which requires a student to miss an extensive amount of course meetings, the student should reach out to the Office of Student Affairs ( to determine the best course of action. 

Course Scheduling

For assistance with scheduling required courses and planning your academic progress as a parenting student, the Office of Academic Services ( is able to assist and advise. 

University-Wide Caregiver Resources

The University maintains a Students With Children resource page with many resources for seeking childcare, connecting with other parents around the NYU community, and finding fun events to do with children in New York City. Highlights of this page include: 

  • The application for the $300/semester Childcare Subsidy, which is available to all graduate students who are enrolled full-time and have a child under 6 years of age. 
  • The NYU Child Care Google Group that serves as a dedicated closed community where parents can communicate about childcare needs.
  • Work Life is pleased to sponsor membership to the Carefully app for the NYU parenting community. Through Carefully, families can easily build a network of parents you know and trust to share care.
  • A list of Child Care, After-School and Camp Programs located near campus developed by the Work Life Office.


The Counseling and Wellness Center also runs (depending on interest) a Care for Caregivers counseling group.