NYU Law Offices
Office of Graduate Affairs
Barbara Landress, Senior Director of Graduate Affairs and Global Programs
Becca Naylor-Sánchez, Assistant Director of Graduate Affairs and Global Programs
Nathaly Rugel, Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions and Affairs
Calvin Tsang, Administrative Assistant
Furman Hall, Suite 340
Telephone: (212) 998-6015
Email Graduate AffairsThe Office of Graduate Affairs (OGA) is the front door to the Law School for LLM and Exchange students. Our mission is to enrich the experience of our students while at NYU Law through advising, community-building, and stimulating programming.
OGA provides advice on registration, course selection, academic policies, extracurricular opportunities, acclimating to the Law School, and even on adjusting to life in New York City. We also serve as a resource for referrals to other members of the Law School and University communities who can help meet your needs.
Programmatically, we focus on three areas: academic success, community building, and professional development. Early in the academic year, we offer workshops on study skills such as outlining and time management. Beyond academics, we believe that one of the most valuable benefits of the LLM program is the friendships you will develop with classmates, and other members of the Law School community. We provide opportunities for you to interact with each other, faculty members and NYU administrators. We also facilitate opportunities to develop “soft” skills and have hosted workshops on topics including cultural competence, networking and leadership development.
You can reach the Office of Graduate Affairs by phone at 212-998-6015 or via email at law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu.
Please note: Tax and International Tax students who seek advice should consult the Graduate Tax Program at law.taxprograms@nyu.edu and by phone at (212) 998-6150.
Graduate Tax Office
John Stephens, Director
Liz Robison, Assistant Director
Furman Hall, Suite 340
Telephone: (212) 998-6394
Email Graduate Tax OfficeThis office oversees the following degree and certificate programs: the LLM in Taxation (full-time and part-time), the JD/LLM in Taxation, the LLM in International Taxation, the Executive LLM in Taxation, the Advanced Professional Certificate Programs in Taxation, and the MSL in Taxation. The office provides counseling on academic concerns, including course selection, degree requirements, and school rules and regulations. Students in the JD or other graduate programs who have an interest in tax are welcome to stop by to find out more about tax-themed events and the vibrant tax community at NYU.
Office of Student Affairs
Lindsay Kendrick, Dean of Students and Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
Katie Shirley, Director for Student Affairs
Brandon Newell, Assistant Director for Student Affairs
Larissa McDowell, Assistant to the Dean of StudentsFurman Hall, Suite 474
Telephone: (212) 998-6658
Email Office of Student Affairs
Visit Office of Student Affairs websiteThe Office of Student Affairs is committed to promoting the quality of life in our community.
- We offer the following services: counseling (academic and non-academic), tutoring, evaluating matriculation requests (leaves of absence, withdrawals, and visiting status), and arranging for special accommodations. If we are not able to meet your needs, we will tap into the network of resources throughout the University to assist students.
- We facilitate opportunities to interact with the Dean and faculty. Throughout the year, we will organize various events to allow you to interact with the faculty and administration in social settings.
- We also oversee student journals, coordinate school-wide and intra-group activities, match students to student organizations in a mentoring program, and organize workshops. Together with the SBA, student groups, and other administrators, we organize programs that keep the NYU Law community vibrant, intellectually engaging, and socially dynamic.
Office of Academic Services
Michelle L. Kirkland, Assistant Dean for Academic Services and Records and Registration
Amy Chu, Senior Director, Academic Services & Registration
Brian Sampson, Director of Systems Operations & Student Information Management
Monica De Jesus, Associate Director, Academic Services
Amanda Beck, Assistant Director, Academic Services
Ann-Margaret Joseph, Associate Director and Associate Registrar, Academic Services & Registration
Curtis Dabel, Assistant Director of Systems OperationsFurman Hall, Suite 400
Telephone: (212) 998-6020
Email Office of Academic Services
Visit Office of Academic Services websiteThe Office of Academic Services offers academic advising to JD students. Academic Services publishes the curriculum and provides all students (JD, LLM, JSD, and Exchange) with the Year-Long Registration Guide, Registration Calendar, and Course Updates. These materials contain academic regulations, an overview of and instructions for registration, course options and information on examination numbers, preparation for graduation, financial compliance, withdrawal and tuition refund schedule. The Office also oversees and coordinates requests for postponement of examinations and accommodations for student accessibility.
Office Of Records And Registration
Michelle L. Kirkland, Assistant Dean for Academic Services and Records and Registration
Amy Chu, Senior Director, Academic Services & Registration
Ann-Margaret Joseph, Associate Director and Associate Registrar, Academic Services & RegistrationFurman Hall, Suite 400
Telephone: (212) 998-6040
Email Office of Records and Registration
Visit Office of Records and Registration websiteThe Office of Records and Registration handles a variety of student issues ranging from registration to graduation. The office handles the following areas of concern for law students:
- Registration
- Retention of records and grading
- Student requests for official transcripts
- Administration of examinations/Student exam survival guide
- Enrollment and various types of certification, including loan deferments
- Certification for State Bar Examinations and supervision of handwriting samples
- Continuing Legal Education Credit (CLE)
The office maintains an open door policy and is available to students for advice in the above areas between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m
Department Of Residential Services
Nancy Mah Chau, Assistant Dean for Operations and Events, Residence Services
Daniel Matishek, Senior Housing Analyst
Vanessa Laureano, CoordinatorOffice of Residential Life
240 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-6510
Email Department of Residential Services
Visit Department of Residential Services website
D’Agostinio Hall Front Desk: (212) 998-6502
Hayden Hall Front Desk: (212) 998-6513The Department of Residential Services strives to provide an environment that supports your studies at the New York University School of Law through well-maintained facilities and community-enhancing activities. The Department of Residence Services maintains two offices to meet the needs of the NYU School of Law community.
The main office, the Office of Residential Life, is located on the first floor at 240 Mercer Street. This office should be contacted for most housing-related issues.
Housing facility and maintenance issues should be directed to the Office of Facilities Services, located on the mezzanine level of D’Agostino Hall or by phone at (212) 998-6508.
Office of Career Services
Clara Solomon, Senior Director, Counseling and Career Development
Efua Feldman, Assistant Director, Counseling and Career Development
Justin Ryan, Senior Placement AssistantFurman Hall, Room 430
Telephone: (212) 998-6090
Email Office of Career Services
Visit Office of Career Services websiteThe Office of Career Services (OCS) helps LLM students and alumni find private- sector positions (e.g. law firms and corporations). If you plan to seek post-graduate employment in the private sector (or, for Tax LLM students, at the Tax Court or IRS), you will be using the OCS. Students interested in the public sector should take advantage of the services offered by the Public Interest Law Center (PILC). Students are welcome to use both career offices, which are located on the fourth floor of Furman Hall.
Registering with the Office of Career Services:
There are a number of steps you must take before you will be able to make an appointment to meet with a counselor in the OCS:
- Complete your CSM Profile. You will receive a password for CSM Symplicity, a career services management platform, via email in either August or December, depending on your enrollment date. Please log in and complete your profile by early September or January. The OCS uses this website for all communication with students, and to provide you with important updates on upcoming programs and deadlines.
- Read and Agree to the Confidentiality Statement and Principles of Professional Conduct. These documents will be available on your CSM profile page, and you will be asked to review and agree to these policies when completing your profile.
- Attend a Job Search Workshop. You are required to virtually attend a job search workshop before you meet with an OCS counselor. This way, you will already have all of the basic job search tools, and counselors will provide targeted advice on your personal situation. If you are unable to attend a workshop, you can view a recording of the session through the CSM homepage.
- Revise your Resume. You will receive detailed instructions about submitting a resume for review over the summer. Please follow the instructions carefully as there are different deadlines depending on your enrollment date. You will receive comments on your resume by email once it has been reviewed by our office. Please be patient, as we have close to 300 resumes to review each year! Once you have received our comments, please revise your resume, and upload the updated version to CSM. You may also bring any resume questions to a counseling appointment.
OCS hosts a range of career educational and job search-related programming throughout the year. Please check your email and the Docket for upcoming dates and deadlines.
Please be sure that you have completed your CSM profile so that you receive messages from the Office of Career Services, and please remember to check your email frequently for information on the many other exciting events and panels we have planned for the academic year.
Public Interest Law Center
Lisa Hoyes, Assistant Dean, Public Service
Carolina van der Mensbrugghe, Associate DirectorFurman Hall, Room 430
Telephone: (212) 998-6686
Email Public Interest Law Center
Visit Public Interest Law Center websiteWhat is Public Interest Law?
Public interest law is legal work that is pursued to advance notions of justice and fairness, rather than commercial gain. Our definition is public interest is deliberately broad and includes paid and pro bono work in government and inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), non-profits, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
PILC provides career development services to all students and alumni/ae interested in public interest work. PILC’s staff provides advice on job, internship and fellowship opportunities, pro bono work, and courses, clinics, and extracurricular activities.
The LLM Public Interest Job Search
The PILC website contains a wide variety of information about public service careers. There is a section in PILC’s website for LLM students, which contains links to relevant publications and post-graduate fellowship opportunities.
In addition, PILC publishes a job search handbook for LLM students. The handbook is distributed early in the fall semester and is available at the PILC office or on the PILC website.
One-on-One Counseling
One of the most valuable career development services that PILC offers students and alumni/ae is one-on-one counseling. Students and alumni/ae are welcome to make individual appointments to meet with PILC’s counselors for advice on cover letters, resumes, internships, pro bono opportunities, post-graduate jobs and fellowships, interview preparation, and more. Individual counseling sessions are particularly useful as they are tailored to individuals’ unique backgrounds and interests.
Associate Director Carolina van der Mensbrugghe works closely with many LLM students, advising them on a broad range of domestic and international public interest careers and pro bono opportunities, as well as the 50-hour pro bono requirement of the New York State Bar.
PILC sponsors a wide variety of educational and career development programs throughout the year. Programs that PILC has sponsored include:
- PILC Week - An introduction to Public Interest Lawyering: This event includes a series of alumni panels covering various subject areas, including international law, criminal and family defense, and law reform. To end PILC Week, PILC will host a welcome reception featuring an inspiring keynote speaker and the opportunity to talk in breakout groups with other LLMs and JDs pursuing careers in public service.
- LLM Public Interest Job Search Workshop and International Fellowships Information Sessions which orient LLM students to public interest opportunities at NYU and beyond.
- A series of brown bag lunches with alumni practitioners working in international public interest, which 87 offer opportunities to ask questions and discuss cutting edge issues.
- Speakers and panels on a range of substantive domestic and international public interest law topics, such as human rights, development, voting rights, policing, and alternatives to incarceration.
- LLM pro bono info sessions for students who intend to sit for the New York Bar exam and need to fulfill the 50-hour pro bono requirement during their time in New York.
- Pro bono research projects which offer opportunities for LLM students to work with domestic and international NGOs.
Getting Involved
There are many student organizations relevant to students interested in public service. Participation in these groups offers opportunities for education, leadership and service. You can learn more about these organizations on the Student Organizations portion of the NYU Law website.
Office Of Student Financial Services
Joel Schoenecker, Senior Director
Furman Hall, Suite 474
Telephone: (212) 998-6050
Fax: (212) 995-4525
Email Office of Student Financial Services
Visit Office of Student Financial Services websiteThe Office of Student Financial Services is a versatile service center, administering scholarship, grant, and fellowship programs. The office also serves as students’ principal source of information on federal and private loan programs, debt management strategies, credit counseling, loan repayment, and outside funding opportunities. Their staff is available to assist in resolving issues with lenders, guarantors, and federal or state agencies. As your liaison to the main University Bursar and Financial Offices, they encourage you to contact them first with concerns about your bill, payments, or financial aid
Law Library
Annmarie Zell, Director
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 102
Access Questions: (212) 998-6306
Circulation Desk: (212) 998-6312
Email Law Library
Visit Law Library websiteThe New York University Law Library provides extensive information resources and research services. NYU Law Library has highly trained librarians and staff always ready to provide high-caliber service. Their collections have historically been regarded as among the deepest research collections not only in the country but also in the world. They make every effort to continue in this tradition, keeping pace with the ever changing nature of legal and interdisciplinary research. In order to maintain a position of predominance in the global legal academic field, they are committed to staying on the forefront of technological change, as the ways in which people conduct research evolve continuously.
Office of Information And Technology Services (ITS)
Tolga Ergunay, Associate Dean for Innovation and Chief Information Officer
Vanderbilt Hall, Suite B7
Telephone: (212) 992-8810
Visit ITS websiteITS Helpdesk
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 211
Telephone: (212) 992-8183
Email ITS HelpdeskClassroom activities can have multimedia components, making the most of the Smart Classroom technology. Class Web pages extend the learning beyond the classroom. A computer lab is located in the Law Library and e-mail workstations are available throughout the School of Law. There are also Web-based services available only to law students.
In addition, all exams (whether in-class or take-home) are taken on laptops. In-class exams can be uploaded to the server after completion of an exam. Take-home exams are uploaded to the server within a specific time frame. Every student is required to have a laptop with wireless access to the Internet for academic purposes. It is equally important for students to have some type of data storage device such as, external USB hard drive or key, writable CD/DVD), or access to a cloud based file storage service, such as Google Docs (available through your NYU account), Dropbox, or iCloud for backing up and archiving data.
ITS will assist in configuring students’ laptops to connect to the Internet using a variety of options available at the School of Law. (Please note that the ITS department does not provide or arrange repair services for student-owned machines.) For specific information about the services provided, as well as helpful information on laptop use see the ITS Handbook available in the Information and Technology Services office or visit our website.
Office of the Dean
Troy McKenzie, Dean
Megan McDermott, Chief of StaffVanderbilt Hall, Room 406
Telephone: (212) 998-6000The Dean is responsible for the administration of the Law School, including the academic program, admissions, financial management, operations, communications, development and alumni relations, and the various centers and institutes. The Dean is also head of the faculty and an ex-officio member of the Law School Foundation Board of Trustees. He encourages students to e-mail him with any questions or concerns or to make an appointment to see him in his office by contacting his assistant: Ken Seagreaves.
Throughout the academic year, the Dean holds roundtable discussions with prominent guests who have used their law degrees in a variety of non-traditional ways. Notices for roundtables are sent by email, as well as posted in The Docket and on the NYU School of Law online calendar. The Dean’s office will also direct you, depending on your need, to the appropriate administrative or program office. Please feel free to contact the Office of the Dean via their general email.
Key University Offices
Office Of Global Services (OGS)
383 Lafayette Street
Telephone: (212) 998-4720
Fax: (212) 995-4115
Email Office of Global Services
Visit Office of Global Services websiteThe Office of Global Services (OGS) coordinates services for the University’s international students, scholars, and faculty. It assists students from other countries with all matters of special concern to them and serves as a referral source to other University departments. The OGS maintains an extensive website with helpful information for students with F-1 and J-1 visas including information on taxes, employment, and programs of interest to international students.
The OGS is the University’s liaison to the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of State and its staff provides documentation and advisory services to international students in matters concerning US immigration law and regulations. All international students are required by law to do the following:
- Complete immigration check-in with OGS upon arrival
- Register on a full-time basis every semester. LLM students must register for the equivalent of at least 10 Law School credits each semester
- Notify OGS of any change in their academic program, address, or enrollment status
All questions regarding one’s status as an international student or exchange visitor in the United States should be addressed to this office.
Student Health Center (SHC)
726 Broadway
3rd and 4th Floors
New York, NY 10003
General Information: (212) 443-1000
Email Student Health Center
Visit Student Health Center websiteAll matriculated students may use the Student Health Center whether enrolled in an NYU-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan or maintaining alternate health insurance coverage. No student will be denied services. The multidisciplinary staff of board-certified physicians and highly trained clinicians provide confidential, comprehensive health and wellness services for routine and acute medical care, counseling and wellness services, and health education. SHC offers routine and walk-in primary care and women’s health services at either no cost or at very reduced cost.
There are fees for some procedures performed at the SHC. These fees will be billed to the student or his/her insurance company. Students may be billed for deductibles, co-insurance or fees not covered by insurance. A Sample of Services Chart with a list of free and billable services can be found online. Please visit the SHC website for hours of operation and additional information about each of our services.
Student Health Insurance Services
726 Broadway
3rd Floor, Suite 346
Telephone: (212) 443-1020
Email Student Health Insurance Services
Visit Student Health Insurance Services websiteThe high cost of healthcare in the United States presents a potentially serious financial risk to students. Therefore NYU requires that all students registered in degree-granting programs maintain health insurance. Most students are automatically enrolled in either the Basic Plan or the Comprehensive Plan as part of the course registration process, but have the option of upgrading or downgrading their coverage. Students who maintain alternate health insurance coverage that meets the University’s waiver criteria may waive these plans entirely.
Students at the School of Law are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plans as follows:
- International students with F-1 or J-1 visa status (any number of credits, degree and non-degree) are enrolled automatically in the Comprehensive Plan, but may select the Basic Plan or Waiver Option.
- Students registered in a degree-granting program for six or more credits are enrolled automatically in the Basic Plan, but may select the Comprehensive Plan or Waiver Option.
- Students registered in a degree-granting program for less than six credits are not enrolled automatically, but may select to enroll in the Basic Plan or Comprehensive Plan.
All matriculated NYU students have access to care at the Student Health Center (SHC), 726 Broadway, New York, NY whether they are enrolled in an NYU Student Health Insurance Plan or maintaining alternate health insurance coverage.
Counseling and Wellness Services
726 Broadway
Phone: (212) 998-4780
Wellness Exchange 24/7 Hotline: (212) 443-9999
Email Wellness Exchange
Visit Counseling and Wellness Services websiteCWS offers students short-term individual counseling, group counseling, toolkits, referrals, walk-in counseling and psychiatric medication management services. All services are provided at no out of pocket expense to students. CWS has providers who specialize in issues that are unique to Law School students.
CWS and the Wellness Exchange work to meet the needs of all students by creating individualized plans and connecting them with services in a timely fashion. Students can be connected to counseling in two ways: scheduling a brief phone appointment by calling the main office (212-998-4780), or a Wellness Exchange walk-in session at 726 Broadway, suite 402. They can also provide you with referrals in the NYC community for long-term counseling. The Wellness Exchange Hotline (212-443-9999) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with professional counselors offering support for a variety of concerns.
In cases of emergencies, a Crisis Response Counselor is available 24/7 by calling the Wellness Exchange Hotline or Public Safety (212-998-2222).
What kind of problem is appropriate to discuss with a CWS counselor? Anything that troubles you. Here is a partial list of common student concerns:
- homesickness
- stress
- anxiety
- alcohol or drugs
- eating concerns
- academic anxieties
- roommate and friendship problems
- family problems
- depression
- suicidal thoughts
- sexual concerns
- identity issues
Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture
726 Broadway, 3rd Floor
Telephone and TTY: (212) 998-4980
Fax: (212) 995-4114
Visit Moses Center websiteNYU is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation to students of all abilities. They work with NYU students to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations that support equal access to a world-class education. General services provided include testing accommodations, adaptive computer equipment, sign language interpreters, and readers. To request accommodations, students must submit documentation to the Moses Center. The Moses Center evaluates the documentation, determines what reasonable accommodation is appropriate, and reports this finding to the Law School. In order to preserve anonymity in grading, students should not discuss accommodations with the instructor in a course. Students may contact the Moses Center directly or call the Office of Academic Services for more information and a referral.
International Student Center
Kimmel Center, suite 704
60 Washington Square South
Telephone: (212) 998-4411
Email International Student CenterThe NYU International Student Center is a hub for events and programs that foster meaningful connections among all global thinkers and help students from around the world make the most of their NYU experience. They highlight opportunities to engage with others on campus - from leadership roles to social programs - and are catalysts for the exchange of ideas and community building among students who identify as international and peers from the U.S.
For up-to-date information about our programs, sign up to receive their weekly email newsletter
Activities include:
- English conversation groups
- Cross-cultural dialogue
- Socials by global regions
- Explore NYC events
Graduate Student Life
Graduate Student Life
Center for Student Life
Kimmel Center, Suite 210
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-4411Graduate Student Life at the Center for Student Life provides an opportunity for graduate students across schools to engage with the NYU community. The Center for Student Life is proud to be the center of information and resources for NYU's graduate student community! We make it our mission to help you access all the information and services that are available across NYU.
Graduate Student Life distributes a biweekly newsletter for all graduate students to let students know what’s happening around campus and around the city. If you are not already subscribed to receive the Grad Life newsletter, please email the Graduate Student Resource Center with your full name and email address. Graduate Student Life makes it their mission to help students access all the information and services that are available across NYU.
LGBTQ Student Center
NYU Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Student Center
Kimmel Center for University Life
60 Washington Square South, Suite 602
New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-4424
Email LGBTQ Student Center
Visit LGBTQ Student Center websiteThe New York University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Student Center creates a welcoming environment for all University students and faculty interested in developing their understanding of LGBTQ issues. Support services, resources, programs, advocacy, training, education and consultation are provided to members of the NYU community. With its services, programs and resources, the NYU LGBTQ Student Center exists to create campus environments that are inclusive and supportive of student diversity in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
The center offers a number of opportunities to help build personal communities and support by connecting students with other members of the NYU community as well as providing information on what New York City has to offer in terms of LGBTQ services. The NYU LGBTQ Student Center is a place where students can meet, discuss, learn and voice the LGBTQ issues they encounter on a daily basis. For faculty and staff, the center is a great resource for ensuring all University services and events are inclusive and supportive of the LGBTQ community. As an institution that fosters and encourages diversity, NYU is committed to supporting the LGBTQ community, and the center is the liaison dedicated to this endeavor and the voice of the NYU LGBTQ network.
Center For Multicultural Education And Programs
Kimmel Center, Suite 806
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-4343
Visit CMEP websiteNYU CMEP enhances the NYU experience by fostering a more inclusive, aware and socially just community. CMEP accomplishes this by:
- Fostering dialogue that explores issues of identity, diversity and social justice.
- Supporting the diverse NYU community in their personal, professional and academic lives.
- Creating educational initiatives and campus-wide programming that engage the NYU community.
- Cultivating allies and advocates to create and promote positive change.
Office Of Equal Opportunity
726 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Telephone: (212) 998-2370
Email Office of Equal OpportunityMary Signor, Assistant Vice President, Office of Equal Opportunity, serves as New York University’s Title IX Coordinator. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs. It protects victims of sexual or gender-based bullying and harassment and survivors of gender-based violence. Protection from the discrimination on the basis of sex includes protection from being retaliated against for filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment.
The University’s Title IX Coordinator is a resource for any questions or concerns about sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, or sexual misconduct and is available to discuss your rights and judicial options. University policies define prohibited conduct, provide informal and formal procedures for filing a complaint and a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints.
Complainants in situations involving sexual misconduct are afforded certain rights as specified in the Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy (“the Policy”). Where immediate assistance is required, emergency help is available. In addition to using the complaint procedures under University policies, Complainants have the option to report the incident to the appropriate local authorities and the University will assist them in doing so.
Bias Response Hotline
The Office of Equal Opportunity also operates a Bias Response Line to provide a mechanism through which members of our community can share or report experiences and concerns of bias, discrimination, or harassing behavior that may occur within our community.Experienced administrators in the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) receive and assess reports, and then help facilitate responses.
NYU Writing Center
411 Lafayette Street, 4th Floor
Telephone: 212 998-8866
Email NYU Writing Center
Visit NYU Expository Writing Program websiteAt the Writing Center, any NYU student can get help with his or her writing. The Writing Center is a part of NYU’s Expository Writing Program in the College of Arts and Science. It is a place where one-on-one teaching and learning occur, as students work closely with professional consultants at every stage of the writing process and on any piece of writing.