Graduate Lawyering Program

Introductory Summer Classes 

All LLM students who received their first degree in law outside the United States must take the summer classes Introduction to US Law and Introduction to US Legal Practice. Please note that credits earned for these summer classes do not count toward the 24 credits needed in fall and spring to earn the LLM degree. Both classes will be held from Monday, August 11, 2025 through Friday, August 22, 2025.

Introduction to US Law is an intensive course that reviews the fundamentals of the US legal system, including an overview of the US Constitution, federalism, the structure and function of courts, sources of legal authority and common-law methodology. Introduction to US Legal Practice teaches practical skills needed in a US legal environment including locating cases, statutes and other legal source materials, citing legal authority correctly and checking the validity of case citations. In addition, these introductory classes help prepare students for study at a US law school by developing their skills in briefing cases, course outlining and taking law school examinations. During the second week of Introduction to US Law, several days are devoted to exploring an evolving line of cases.

On the final Friday of the class there will be an exam primarily on the line of cases covered during the second week of Introduction to US Law. Students have found studying for and writing this exam to be important preparation for the fall semester.

More information about the introductory classes and on recommended reading to prepare for the LLM year can be found online.

Graduate Lawyering I & II 

Graduate Lawyering I is a practice-based course for international LLM students focused on legal research, writing, and analysis. The class focuses on skill development and aims to prepare each LLM student to understand and be able to meet the expectations of the US legal environment. The curriculum is composed of several research and writing exercises. Sections are limited to approximately fifteen students and teaching assistants are available to provide additional hands-on advice on topics such as research techniques. We recommend that students take Graduate Lawyering I during their first semester of study at the Law School.

Our LLM students come from a wide variety of backgrounds; offering multiple sections of Graduate Lawyering I allows our faculty to take into account differences in students’ language and practice experience. The intensive section of the class is designed for students who particularly want to focus on improving their English language skills. Graduate Lawyering II, offers the opportunity for students to continue to develop their US research and writing skills in a seminar environment.