News@NYU Law

Stack of faculty books
Mass incarceration. Transnational bribery. International arbitration. Vulnerable democracies. These are just a few of…
Kenneth W Mack speaking at podium
On November 6, Kenneth Mack, Lawrence D. Biele Professor of Law and Affiliate Professor of History at Harvard…
Reilly Hilbert
When you’re just starting out in an industry, it can be challenging to anticipate the kind of on-the-job scenarios you…
Raymond Kethledge speaking
Judge Raymond Kethledge of the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit delivered the 15th annual Friedrich A. von…
Todd Arky
When Todd Arky ’98 joined SeamlessWeb as executive vice president for sales and business development in 2000, he had no…
Maribel Hernandez Rivera
Maribel Hernández Rivera ’10, district director for US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, delivered the 2019…
Richard Buery
This year, Stuyvesant High School, one of New York City’s premier public schools, admitted just seven black and 33…
Washington Square Park with DC monument and Capitol building in background
Washington, DC, vies with California as the most popular locale, after New York, for new NYU Law grads to begin…
Anthony Welters
On November 6, a Latham & Watkins Forum examined the question, “For Whom is the Corporation Managed?” Opening the…
Computer keyboard keys with fingerprint
As United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston doesn’t mince words. “There is…
Vanita Gupta
A recent report by NYU Law’s Brennan Center for Justice, State Supreme Court Diversity, found an extreme lack of racial…
Surveillance camera and policemen
Current policing technology provides time-stamped video and audio of police encounters, identifies gunshot locations…
Bingna Guo
Since 2012, the Chinese government has implemented a far-reaching anti-corruption campaign. For companies operating in…
Fragmented greek column with storm clouds in background
In his new book, Burt Neuborne offers concerned US citizens guidance on how to help bolster American democracy. Burt…
Bosco Verticale
In 2018, New York became the first US city to require buildings to publicly display letter grades indicating their…
Eleuthera Sa
On November 12, at the 2019 Scholarship Reception, student scholarship recipients mingled with the donors who help make…
Lisa Monaco portrait
Before being elected to Congress, US Representatives Will Hurd (TX-23), Elissa Slotkin (MI-08), and Andy Kim (NJ-03)…
Rita Hauser
The future of international law and the United Nations was under discussion in the opening two panels of the Hauser…
Following the withdrawal of US forces from parts of Syria, the strategic map of the country has been transformed. On…
1L Procedure students
Three decades ago, Norman Dorsen Professor of Civil Liberties Burt Neuborne inaugurated a terrifying tradition. Every…