Faculty News

NYU Law and its faculty had a major presence at this year's annual meeting of the American Association of Law Schools…
Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law, has been named by the Order of the Coif as…
The Green Bag honors Arthur Miller for exemplary legal writingThe Green Bag, a quarterly journal of legal scholarship,…
Former President of the Supreme Court of Israel Dorit Beinisch made her teaching debut this fall while on campus as a…
University Professor Joseph Weiler, Joseph Straus Professor of Law, has been named the next president of the European…
On Friday, December 7, the Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases on same-sex marriage: United States v. Windsor, which…
Norman Dorsen, Frederick I. and Grace A. Stokes Professor of Law, received an honorary doctorate from the University of…
In a talk on October 22, Judge Theodor Meron, Charles L. Denison Professor of Law Emeritus and Judicial Fellow,…
Professors José  Alvarez and Benedict Kingsbury will lead the American Journal of International LawProfessors…
Adjunct Professor David Malone, president of the International Development Research Centre, has been appointed rector…
In October, Clayton Gillette, Max E. Greenberg Professor of Contract Law, was the keynote speaker at the 2012…
Many members of the NYU Law community were actively involved in the 2012 election, from working behind the scenes to…
Delivering the inaugural lecture of the Robert A. Kindler Professorship of Law on October 17, Alan Sykes, the holder of…
Jeanne Fromer
Professor Jeanne Fromer has been elected to the American Law Institute (ALI) as one of 68 distinguished new members…
A group of NYU Law professors have been included on the 2012 list of the authors most frequently cited in legal…