Faculty News

As the number of patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office grows upwards toward 300,000 annually, Laura…
Copyright and trademark laws are intended to protect the creative work and symbols that permeate our culture, from…
Ryan Goodman
President Obama has stated that he wants “to begin engaging Congress” over a new Authorization for Use of Military…
Headshot of Geoffrey P. Miller
This semester, Geoffrey Miller, Stuyvesant Comfort Professor of Law, together with Professor David Yermack of the Stern…
Richard Pildes
Just eight days after the most recent federal elections, Richard Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law…
We live in a vast administrative state. Federal agencies issue and implement rules governing a wide range of areas,…
As the first cases of Ebola have reached the United States, concern about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the…
On October 16 and 17, Catherine Sharkey, Crystal Eastman Professor of Law, gave a series of four lectures on US…
Noted climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, visiting professor at NYU School of Law and a principal author of a just-…
On October 15, Philip Alston, John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law, gave a keynote address at the Nordic Trust Fund for…
Harry First On October 24, the Law School hosted a daylong conference on antitrust law in emerging and…
Bryan Stevenson
Professor Bryan Stevenson, executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative who teaches NYU Law's Equal Justice and…
Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
On October 21, the American Law Institute (ALI) announced the election of 50 new members. Among the exceptional group…
This September, the Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP) movement began a campaign of civil disobedience for true…
What’s even dicier than planning months in advance to teach an entire course about a young, wildly fluctuating digital…
Bryan Stevenson
Spurred by the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri after the police shooting of an unarmed, young black man, New York Times…
Thomas Piketty Intense curiosity and a bit of professional envy imbued the fourth annual NYU/UCLA Tax Policy…
Milbank Tweed Forum icon
On Wednesday, October 1, the Milbank Tweed Forum presented the annual Supreme Court (P)Review. Led by Burt Neuborne,…
“While people come and people go, philosophical questions are forever, and their fascination and importance…
Professor of Law Emeritus John “Jack” Slain ’55 passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, September 27. A…