Faculty News

Institute for Policy Integrity logo illustration with green mountains and trees
The tumultuous state of US environmental regulation during the Trump administration was implicit in the title of the…
Fifty years after the Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) Statute opened a new era in how US courts handle complex, multi-…
Crumpled newspaper
Journalism Under Fire: Protecting the Future of Investigative Reporting, a new book by Stephen Gillers ’68, arrives at…
Panel icon
As the Trump Administration continues to reshape the United States’s foreign alliances and trade commitments amidst a…
Headshot of Edward Rock
On September 27, the Institute for Corporate Governance and Finance hosted a three-panel conference that explored the…
Kim Taylor-Thompson speaking at event
In an October 3 discussion, amid national debate over Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault claims against then-US…
Josep Borrell Fontelles speaking
At the 14th annual Emile Noël Lecture, Josep Borrell Fontelles, former president of the European Parliament and…
Chai Feldblum, Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
As the #MeToo movement approaches its one-year anniversary, sexual misconduct allegations against powerful figures in…
Troy McKenzie
On September 26, amid controversy over the US Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gibson, Dunn &…
New York University’s Making a Difference Award was presented to Alina Das ’05, professor of clinical law and…
When the Supreme Court of India issued a landmark ruling this month that overturned India’s 157-year-old law…
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray On September 7, Professor Melissa Murray testified at the US Supreme Court confirmation hearing…
Trevor Morrison
The 2018–19 academic year is my sixth as dean. I am excited to reflect on what we have accomplished over the past five…
Criminal Justice Portrait
NYU Law faculty, alumni, and students are helping drive changes across the criminal justice system—often with an eye on…
Jason Schultz
Revelations that Cambridge Analytica mined Facebook data in the 2016 election sparked new concerns about data privacy…
Deborah Archer
Deborah Archer recalls that when she was eight years old, someone spray-painted “KKK” on the garage of her family’s…
Melissa Murray
Professor Melissa Murray’s 2012 article “Marriage as Punishment,” published in the Columbia Law Review, earned two…
A Sampling of Recent Faculty Books José E. Alvarez (editor) American Classics in International Law: International…
Award-Winning 2017–18 Scholarship by Faculty Rachel Barkow (co-author) “Designed to Fail: The President's…