JD Scholar and JD/MBA Scholar Required Curriculum
The required curriculum for JD Scholars and JD/MBA Scholars includes a transactional course and an individualized Senior Project in the Law and Business Projects Seminar course. All students are also required to complete the general requirements of the JD Program.
Transaction Courses
These courses are relevant across different industries, and allow students to consider the specific ways in which various business transactions add value to the design, negotiation, finance and implementation of deals, as well as to business management and commercial client relations.
(Jacobson Scholars) Law & Business Projects Seminar
Based firmly in the student’s specific interests, this project will challenge the student to demonstrate their combined legal and business skills. The projects are developed, discussed, administered and presented in the Law & Business Projects Seminar, a year-long course co-taught by the Jacobson Leadership Program Faculty Directors. Students will be able to work independently or collaboratively in small teams, and with individually-assigned mentors, and will be required to present their projects to a panel of faculty and alumni.
If interested and not a Jacobson student please submit your resume and a one page description of your project proposal to leadershipprogram@nyu.edu.
JD/MBA Student Required Curriculum
- Law School Academic Services JD/MBA Requirements
- Stern School of Business Academic Affairs JD/MBA Requirements
Course Announcements
Due to academic calendar overlap, JD/MBA students are not allowed to take the following Stern courses:
Fall 2024
- DBIN-GB.3310.D1: DBi San Jose: Doing Business in Costa Rica- Sustainable Business in Latin America
- DBIN-GB.3313.D1: DBi Auckland: Doing Business in New Zealand
- DBIN-GB.3115.D1: DBi Sydney: Doing Business in Australia
- DBIN-GB.3318.D1: DBi Cape Town: Doing Business in South Africa
- DBIN-GB.3119.D1: DBi Taipei: Doing Business in Asia: Taiwan
- DBIN-GB.3320.D1: DBi Mexico City: Doing Business in Mexico
Spring 2025
- DBIN-GB.3118.D1: DBi Casablanca & Marrakech: Doing Business in Morocco & North Africa
- DBIN-GB.3103.D1: DBi Buenos Aires: Doing Business in Argentina
- DBIN-GB.3124.D1: DBi Paris: Doing Business in France
Jacobson Leadership Program Course Descriptions
- Business Law Transactions Clinic
Students in the Business Law Clinic provide legal services to senior leaders of nonprofit organizations in the $300,000-$2 million range on matters including corporate governance, contracts, and communications work. The students’ work includes advising executives and boards on governance and disclosure practices; reviewing and preparing bylaws, conflict-of-interest and other board policies and materials; planning transactions; drafting contracts and other operating agreements; and preparing work plan and other project documents. A weekly two-hour seminar supports the clinic’s field work. Using discussion and simulation, the seminar focuses on the business lawyer’s multiple roles in assessing, planning and managing corporate events and transactions. For more information, please see the Business Law Transactions Clinic.
- Law and Business of Bankruptcy and Reorganization
This is a joint Law and Business course, with students from both Stern and the Law school. It covers both legal and business aspects of Bankruptcy and Reorganization, with (of necessity) less depth and detail than either a pure Law or Stern course. The course is a mixture of lectures, team projects, and outside speakers with a primary focus on the transactional aspects of the subject matter.
- Law & Business of Corporate Transactions
The aim of the course is to integrate diverse aspects of the academic training of law and business students in a transactions focused context. Students are organized into teams of both law and business students. The class is a mixture of lectures, guest speakers and team presentations. Student teams analyze actual transactions and present their analysis to classmates and outside guests. In addition, we follow the current news on certain specific corporate deals and students are asked to prepare material on these transactions.
- Law and Business of Social Enterprise
The goal of “Investing in Microfinance” is to introduce students to the deal structuring, negotiating, and drafting skills necessary to advise both MFIs seeking to reach greater scale and outreach by securing local and cross-border financings and investors in MFIs. Students analyze various financing structures used to finance MFIs, including loans, guaranties, off-balance-sheet financing, private equity, and public offerings, with emphasis on the issues that are most critical to MFIs. The course will be highly interactive. Students work in teams to offer transactional and structuring advice to hypothetical MFIs and market players seeking to invest in MFIs and analyze and discuss transactions that have been successfully completed by MFIs. Guest speakers from the industry visit from time to time to complement class discussions.
- Law & Business Projects Seminar
This year-long course involves the planning, design, development and presentation of an in-depth project which must involve significant research and analysis of both legal and business issues. The fall semester is primarily concerned with the development process, along with class review and critique of the projects. Substantial Writing Credit will be awarded in the spring semester. This course is required of all JD Scholars and JD /MBA Scholars and is open to others by permission of the instructors only. To apply, please submit a resume, transcript and one-page explanation of your interest in the course to LeadershipProgram@nyu.edu.