The NYU Annual Survey of American Law 2004 symposium took place on November 5, 2004, at Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, in Greenberg Lounge.
Portions of this symposium have been published in Volume 61, Issue 3.
9:00 Registration and breakfast
9:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
David Livshiz, Symposium Editor, NYU Annual Survey of American Law
Robert Pitofsky, Joseph and Madeline Sheehy Professor in Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law, Georgetown Law School, former Chairman, Federal Trade Commission
9:45 Panel 1: Single Firm Exclusionary Conduct: Life in the post-Trinko World
Harry First (moderator), Professor, NYU School of Law
Nicholas Economides, Professor, Stern School of Business (NYU)
A. Douglas Melamed, Partner, Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale and Dorr
Lloyd Constantine, Partner, Constantine and Partners
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Panel 2: The Reach of US Antitrust Law: Allowing Foreign Purchasers Access to US Antitrust Damage Remedies
Eleanor Fox (moderator), Professor, NYU School of Law
Makan Delrahim, U.S. Department of Justice
Molly Boast, Partner, Debevoise & Plimption
Mark Popofsky, Partner, Kaye Scholer
Margaret Bloom, Professor, King's
College London and Senior Consultant, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
1:00 Lunch Break
2:30 Panel 3: International Regulation of Mergers: Lessons from GE/Honeywell and Boeing/McDonnell Douglas
Eleanor Fox (moderator), Professor, NYU School of Law
Randy Tritell, FTC
Ilene Gotts, Partner, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz
Janusz Ordover, Professor, NYU School of Arts and Sciences
4:00 Closing Remarks
Jessica Barkhuff, Editor-in-Chief, NYU Annual Survey of American Law