Coordinator Information

2022 International Student Interview Program Banner


All ISIP member schools should designate one contact to receive communications and updates from the NYU ISIP Program Coordinator. All ISIP contacts will receive an ISIP Symplicity manager account, allowing you to review and manage your students’ participation. If you do not have an ISIP Symplicity manager account, or need your password reset, please contact Justin Ryan at

School registration is a two-step process: First complete the ISIP school registration form, which is sent via email. Second, submit your student list, using the CSV template provided. Please upload ALL of your eligible LLM students, regardless of the students’ stated intention to participate. We prefer not to add students individually after the bulk upload, if possible.

Contact the NYU ISIP Program Coordinator for any questions about registration and student lists.


There is a registration fee of $500 for law schools with fewer than 25 candidates and $600 for law schools with 25 or more candidates.

Registration fees are due by September 13th, 2024.

Registration fees may be submitted by credit card through ISIP Symplicity using your ‘Payment Account.’ or in the form of a check made payable to New York University School of Law.

For more information regarding this, please refer to the Coordinator Instructions or contact Justin Ryan at


Important Dates:

September 13, 2024

School Registration Deadline 

September 27, 2024

Employer Registration Deadline

October 17, 2024

Student Application Period Opens

November 5, 2024

Student Application Deadline

November 7, 2024

Employers Receive Student Resumes

December 6, 2024

Employer Candidate Selection Deadline

December 12, 2024

Interview Invitation Results Released

January 6, 2025

Interview Pre-select/Alternate Accept or Decline Deadline

January 9, 2025

Preliminary Interview Schedules Released

January 16, 2025

Final Schedules Released

January 24, 2025

International Student Interview Program at NYU School of Law (In-Person)

Student Eligibility:
Students currently enrolled in a US graduate (LLM or JSD) program from one of our participating law schools, who received their first law degree from another country, are eligible to interview in this program. Participation is limited to one event per degree earned at one of the participating schools. 

Students currently enrolled in a US JD program are not eligible to participate under any circumstances. LLM students who received their first law degree from the US are not eligible to participate. Law degrees from Puerto Rico are considered US JDs and those students are not eligible to participate in ISIP.

Part-time LLM students may participate in ISIP once during their studies. Generally, this should be in the final semester of their LLM. Part-time students with a December/January graduation date may interview in the January of their graduation. 

JSD participation is limited to one ISIP event while a JSD student. Most will choose to do so in the final year of their JSD studies. Students continuing their studies during the following fall semester will need to make their need for a summer associate/intern position and their later graduation date clear in a required cover letter to be submitted along with their resume to each ISIP employer. Since most employers at ISIP are interviewing for full-time, post-graduate positions, we recommend that JSD students wait until their final year of studies to participate.

Student Applications:

Please review the student information page for instructions on the student application process.

Pre-screening & country of first law degree: ISIP is 100% pre-screened, with employers selecting the candidates they wish to interview. Employers indicate hiring criteria when they register, including the country(ies) of first law degree from which they wish to receive applications. In ISIP Symplicity, students will only be able to see and apply to those employers that have requested their country of first law degree. We do encourage employers to select countries broadly, but this means that some students will have more opportunities through ISIP than others.

If a student has qualifications in more than one country (e.g. a dual UK/French law degree), they can refer to our instructions for submitting manual applications directly to the ISIP Program Coordinator. Please contact NYU’s ISIP Program Coordinator if you have questions about this process.

Additional documents: Students should only upload a resume to the ISIP system. While some employers may request additional documents such as a transcript or writing sample, they will only receive resumes through ISIP Symplicity. Additional documents can be provided to employers at the time of the interview; alternatively, some employers may communicate with students via email for those materials.

Accept/decline deadline: Students have the opportunity to accept or decline the invitations to interview in December and January. There are no exceptions to these deadlines and students must have access to the internet to confirm their interviews during the winter break.

Late employer registration & ISIP resume books: When completing their profile in ISIP Symplicity, students will be asked if they agree to release their resume to all ISIP employers. The default for this question is “yes” and it is to the students’ advantage to agree to this provision. If an employer registers after the student application deadline, or is interested in reviewing additional candidate resumes, we will share a resume book of students who agreed to release their resumes broadly.  

Interview scheduling: Due to the size and complexity of the program, students will not be able to select their own interview times, and will be expected to attend the interview at their assigned time.

Resume collect employers: Employers who are indicated as “Resume Collection Only” will contact students directly to set up interviews outside of the ISIP process.

Contact Information:
Justin Ryan
ISIP Coordinator
Office of Career Services
New York University School of Law
245 Sullivan Street, Suite 430
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-6086