Graduate Affairs

Helpful Arrival Information

Academic Information

NYU LMS (Brightspace)

From NYU Global Home, click on the NYU Learning Management System (Brightspace) link found in the Academics tab.
Use NYU LMS (Brightspace) to access class websites where faculty post course materials and messages.

NYU Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture

Students requesting academic accommodations are advised to reach out to the Moses Center for Student Accessibility as early as possible in the semester for assistance. More information can be found on the NYU Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture website.

Early Reading Assignments for Classes

Professors may assign readings for the first day of classes. Assignments may be posted at the Early Assignments web page of the Law School website at the link above or at NYU Classes.

SBA - Posted Class Outlines

The SBA (Student Bar Association – NYU Law’s student government) posts outlines of classes made by students in prior years. Intended to supplement a student's own work and not to replace it, these can be helpful study aids as you make your own course outlines/notes. Note that the content of these student-authored outlines has not been checked by the SBA or faculty for errors and misstatements.

Required Electronic Law School Forms

Complete the Academic Honesty, Memo of Understanding, and Photo Authorization forms by August 25, 2023. 

     NYU Law Library Information

The NYU Law Library provides extensive information resources and research services. NYU Law Library has highly trained librarians and staff always ready to provide high-caliber service. Please review the 2024-2025 NYU Law Library Information for information on access and library resources.

For additional information, please visit the NYU Law Library website.

Digital Casebooks
  1. University bookstore
    They do not have every casebook in electronic format but their inventory is changing every day
  2. West Academic Publishing and Foundation Press
    Students can use discount code WANYU to obtain a 15% discount with password at checkout
  3. Wolters Kluwer and Aspen (aka red and black titles)
    Digital casebooks are approximately 40% less than hardcover
How to Obtain an Enrollment Certification

Students can obtain enrollment verifications via NYU Albert. Enrollment verification documents contain your name, major, enrollment history, including full-, half-, or part-time terms, and expected graduation date.

Please visit the NYU website regarding Enrollment Verification for instructions and more information on how to obtain verification documents.

Health/Wellness Requirements

Student Health and Immunization Records

New York State Law and/or New York University policy requires all incoming students to complete health-related documents, including a health history; proof of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella; and to acknowledge that they have received information regarding meningitis or provide proof of vaccination(s).

Deadline: July 15 (for students starting in Fall 2024)

Learn about Events and Connect with Students

Community Advisors

Community advisors are students who coordinate activities in the residence halls at the Law School. Similar to residence assistants in an undergraduate dormitory, CAs host social events, send out email blasts, and provide resident support to NYU Law students who live on campus. Names and contact information for community advisors are posted in the Law School residences.


NYU Law Calendar

View NYU Law’s calendar of events and programs.

The Docket

The Docket publishes notices of NYU Law School events, important administrative bulletins, and other notices of general interest to the Law School community.

Student Group Email Lists

From NYU Home, find the NYU Groups card. Many student organizations both at the Law School and University-wide maintain listservs which you can join to receive emails about activities and events. You will also be able to browse all available listservs at NYU by clicking on "Browse all" when you log into NYU Groups. Settings can be managed by going to “My groups.” Please be aware that you will need to use your NYU email (e.g. in order to sign-up for NYU listservs.

You may also go to the Student Organizations page of the Law School website where you will find a list of student groups.  For information about a group and the email address of its leaders, click on the name of a student group. You may reach out to student group leaders via email to request to be included in emails that go out to group members.

Important Locations

NYU Card Center (NYU ID Cards)

7 Washington Place
For access to NYU buildings and facilities, obtain your card at the NYU Card Center with proof of identification such as a passport. Please visit Get an NYUCard for more information.

NYU Bookstore

726 Broadway; Tel: (212) 998-4678
Current information for the NYU Bookstore can be found online. Bring your student ID card and/or your university ID (N number) and/or your course names and numbers so that you can easily find the books required for your courses.

Student Health Center

726 Broadway 3rd and 4th floors
Tel: (212) 443-1000
All matriculated students may use the Student Health Center whether enrolled in an NYU-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan or maintaining alternate health insurance coverage. SHC offers routine and walk-in primary care and women’s health services at either no cost or at reduced cost.

Information regarding student health insurance including the online enrollment and waiver processes, deadlines, plan benefits, referral requirements and coverage for dependents can be found online

NYU Student Health Center Guide

Athletic Facilities

Information regarding athletic facilities at NYU can be found in Athletics.

Technology Assistance - Helpdesk & WiFi

To log in to NYU’s wireless network, click on ‘nyu’ from the list of available networks. When prompted enter your NetID and NYUHome password. 

For additional assistance, please contact NYU Law IT HelpDesk

Key Resources

NYU and NYC Resources

For guidance on the many resources available to you at the Law School, the University and in NYC, visit Community at NYU Law and NYU/NYC Resources.

NYU Office of Global Services (OGS)

383 Lafayette St.
The Office of Global Services (OGS for short) provides information on visas, tax and employment, visitors, and other topics of interest to international students. The OGS website will give you more information about OGS programs, services and events, and to make sure that your email is configured to receive OGS messages.

NYU Center for Student Life

Kimmel, 60 Washington Sq. South, 7th floor
The Center for Student Life helps students University-wide navigate NYU and the City. Offers many fun events and activities for graduate students to meet fellow students from schools across the University.