Event Production Policies

General Policies, Procedures, and Information

  • Client is responsible for ensuring that all event needs are fully documented and conveyed in writing to Event Production Services. If your event includes a recording to be handled and delivered by our team, it must be documented in Airtable specifically, at least two weeks before your event.
  • Event Production Services is not responsible for presentation materials. We recommend that clients and/or speakers have materials on a thumb drive and accessible in the cloud.
  • Client is responsible for scheduling/hosting all hybrid sessions (via Zoom or similar conferencing software), including any host functions during the event.
  • Event Production Services operates in specifically-designated events spaces around the law school. We do not provide staffing or support for events and meetings in classrooms. Events and meetings in classrooms are self-service.
  • Your bill for event audio-visual services will consist of two primary components: a flat fee for use of technology, assessed once per room in which technology is deployed, and a labor charge assessed for each technician’s labor hours.
  • For events requiring support from Event Production Services, at least one technician will be retained for the duration of the event. Labor charges will be based on a 4 hour minimum per technician, plus the cost for any additional hours that technicians must work to provide service and support. Complex events may call for additional staffing.
  • Specialized Recording services, conducted on an HD recording device, come with an automatic surcharge to cover equipment, a basic edit, and delivery. Any recording with additional staffing, which requires extensive editing, and/or adds human-generated captions (required for public-facing videos hosted on any NYU Law website or channel) will incur additional charges as appropriate.
  • Basic Recordings conducted via Zoom incur no automatic surcharge, but post-production charges may be assessed as appropriate. Zoom recordings are delivered to the scheduler; if you need an edit on a file recorded to your Zoom account, please share the file with us, with download permissions set.
  • Event Production Services generates Guest Wifi credentials that can be shared for your event. If you anticipate heavy usage of Guest Wifi, contact us for event-specific credentials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at any time.