Who We Are

The Bernstein Institute for Human Rights is a center at NYU Law committed to challenging legal systems that exclude, marginalize, and oppress.  We are a dynamic team of activists, students, researchers and lawyers who envision a world where the law is rooted in human rights, legal systems are equitable and accessible to all people, and lawyers work in partnership with communities to help them build power and advance justice. We are the only U.S. legal academic center dedicated to advancing research, education, and advocacy on legal empowerment in the United States and globally.

Our Values:

We bridge justice gaps in the current legal system by: 

  • Centering the voices & expertise of those seeking justice in all of our work
  • Co-creating research that respects the lived experiences of affected communities and illuminates power imbalances
  • Rethinking how the practice of law can be rooted in dignity and care
  • Training the next generation of lawyers to be partners and allies
  • Supporting a global and national network of legal empowerment practitioners through convenings, courses, symposia, and research workshops

Why Legal Empowerment?:

We believe that  communities and individuals seeking justice should lead their fight. Legal empowerment means that individuals and communities are able to know, use and shape the laws that affect their lives. Through this process, legal systems will be transformed into just systems which are responsive to the needs of communities. Legal empowerment takes many forms, including community paralegal programs, community driven campaigns, popular education efforts, and community-driven litigation.