
Centers & Intellectual Life

The environmental course offerings at NYU Law are complemented by a vibrant intellectual life. Our environmental centers engage with issues through research and discussion, regularly inviting highly regarded speakers to campus to address the community.

The Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy, and Land Use Law focuses on environmental and energy challenges that range from global climate change to regional energy policy.

The Institute for Policy Integrity is a nonpartisan think tank dedicated to improving the quality of government decisionmaking. It produces original scholarly research in the fields of economics, law, and regulatory policy and advocates for reform before courts, legislatures, and executive agencies.

The State Energy & Environmental Impact Center ("State Impact Center") supports state attorneys general in defending and promoting clean energy, climate and environmental laws and policies. 

The Climate Litigation Accelerator (CLX) is a global collaborative hub for research, advocacy, and strategic litigation on the climate emergency. Working with scholars, activists, and litigants from around the world, CLX initiates and supports efforts that build the speed and scale necessary to spur action on the climate emergency within the limited timeframe left to avoid triggering extreme scenarios of global warming. CLX helps fill gaps in existing practice, connects litigants and experts in different fields (from climate science to strategic communications to ecology to climate economics), and spearheads and supports climate lawsuits and other forms of advocacy.

Environmental Law Journal, a student-run publication, is one of the leading environmental law journals in the nation. It publishes pieces that reveal and analyze the expanding links between environmental and land use policy as well as administrative, corporate, constitutional, criminal, energy, insurance, international, property, tax, and tort law. Annual symposia also address crucial themes for the evolving world, such as renewable energy, the future of the utility industry, and American gas exports.