Graduates of the International Tax Program come from a wide variety of countries. NYU School of Law attracts students from around the globe by offering the largest and most varied selection of international tax courses available at any US law school, including basic and advanced courses in US international taxation, tax treaties, international tax policy, tax planning for cross- border transactions, comparative international tax policy, and advanced corporate international tax problems. Graduates return to their respective countries or remain in the United States equipped intellectually for the practice of law in a rapidly changing economic order.
Country | Number of students |
Country | Number of students |
Argentina | 7 | Kazakhstan | 3 |
Australia | 4 | Kenya | 3 |
Austria | 13 | Latvia | 1 |
Belgium | 11 | Luxembourg | 2 |
Brazil | 44 | Mexico | 25 |
Canada | 12 | Netherlands | 7 |
Chile | 14 | New Zealand | 3 |
China | 15 | Nigeria | 4 |
Colombia | 11 | Norway | 5 |
Congo | 1 | Peru | 16 |
Costa Rica | 9 | Philippines | 8 |
Denmark | 2 | Portugal | 4 |
Dominican Republic | 2 | Russia | 14 |
Ecuador | 1 | Serbia | 2 |
France | 27 | Singapore | 6 |
Georgia | 1 | South Africa | 1 |
Germany | 27 | South Korea | 15 |
Ghana | 1 | Spain | 8 |
Greece | 1 | Sweden | 4 |
Hungary | 3 | Switzerland | 15 |
Iceland | 1 | Taiwan | 5 |
India | 11 | Thailand | 4 |
Israel | 10 | Uganda | 2 |
Italy | 8 | Venezuela | 10 |
Japan | 31 |