
Reading Groups

Students discussing books with professors at reading groups

Each year, students have an exciting opportunity to enroll in Reading Groups to discuss readings, films, or other materials related to a topic of special interest to the convener.

The groups, of no more than 12 students, are highly informal and meet four or five times over the course of the academic year.  For first year JD students, the idea is to provide small groups of students the opportunity to get to know a professor and each other, in the context of discussing topics that range well beyond the 1L curriculum.

The Reading Groups for upper-level JD and LLM students are led primarily by our doctoral (JSD) students and  allow students to get to know each other in a relaxed environment while exploring a diverse range of  topics. Participation is entirely optional. Some groups are offered entirely in person, and some may be offered remotely or in a hybrid format.  

First-Year Reading Groups

Upper-Level Reading Groups