
Lawyering is inspired by the work of key figures in the development of the theory and practice of learning, including cognitive psychologists Jerome Bruner and L.S. Vygotsky and educator Paulo Freire. Course development draws directly upon the ongoing work of Peggy Cooper Davis, who continues to refine these ideas in the context of legal education.

The curriculum accepts that learning is a social activity and that students of any age learn best as members of a group where varying levels of expertise interact to solve problems. Rather than approach students as passive receptacles into which teachers deposit knowledge, Lawyering has long used a problem solving approach; students learn from one another as they learn from the Lawyering faculty.

Just as the Lawyering Program works to develop a depth of professionalism and thoughtful critique among students, the same is true for our faculty members.

Each summer, all Lawyering faculty members attend a week-long faculty workshop intended to reintroduce established pedagogical concepts and explore new ideas and approaches. Sessions are led by educators, experts in related fields, practitioners, and returning Lawyering faculty. During the semester, the Lawyering faculty hold regular faculty workshops to collaboratively develop best practices and innovative materials for each exercise.