
Clinic Applications FAQ

Everything you need to know about applying for a clinic


When is the clinic application period?

For JDs, applications for all Clinics, Externships and Labs are due by 5:00 PM on March 21, 2025. For LLMs, applications will be due in May 2025.

When is the Clinic Fair?

It is held on the first Friday in March that coincides with Admitted Students Day. This year it is March 7, 2025.

How do I apply for a Clinic, Externship or Lab?

Enrolled NYU Law students should complete an application form and submit it with the necessary accompanying documents using the Clinic Application and Matching System (CAMS). The application form may be downloaded at any time from the Forms page on Clinics website, but CAMS will not open until the application period begins.

When can I apply for the Legislative and Regulatory Process Clinic in Washington, DC?

The deadline for rising 3Ls to apply is at the beginning of February, earlier than for any other clinics. There is an information session for interested students toward the end of January. The application period for the Fall 2025 LRP takes place February 18 - 26, 2025.

Can I apply later on for Spring Clinics, Externships and Labs?

Applications for all Clinics, Externships and Labs – whether year-long, Fall or Spring -- are due at the same time. Additional application rounds take place *only* if there are vacancies to be filled after the initial round. If a second round becomes necessary, only students who applied during the initial round will be eligible to apply.

Can I rank one Clinic/Externship #1 for the Fall and one Clinic/Externship #1 for the Spring?

No. We place students in only one Clinic/Externship in the initial match, in order to give as many students as possible the opportunity to enroll. You must rank each Clinic/Externship separately, no matter when it is offered; duplicate preferences are not permitted.

Can I take two semester-long clinics/externships in one academic year?

Not as a rule. It may sometimes be possible if space permits, but we will not know that until after the initial application round finishes in May. If there are vacancies, they will be advertised to students who already submitted applications in the first round.

CAMS is not accepting my application. What can I do?

  • Try another browser.
  • Check to see that you have no “illegal characters” in any of your filenames. These include: \ / : * ? " < > |
  • Avoid very long file names.
  • Make sure the files that you upload have a file extension. For example, “Resume.docx” is OK as a file name.  “Resume” is not. This mainly affects Mac users.

  • Do not include password protection on any documents. This will prevent the server from downloading your materials.

  • Submit one application at a time (one clinic or externship per "Submit" button click). Applying to multiple clinics/externships at the same time contributes to slow processing times near the deadline.

  • If it is near the deadline and the server is experiencing a high volume of traffic, keep trying to submit your materials. Or better yet, submit them early!

I cannot schedule an interview in CAMS or have not heard back about an interview.

There are several reasons this may be the case.

  • The Clinic, Externship or Lab does not conduct interviews.
  • Not all applicants are invited for interviews
  • The Clinic, Externship or Lab is using a different method than CAMS to schedule interviews.
  • Interview times have not yet been entered in the CAMS system by the faculty/staff of that Clinic, Externship or Lab.
  • Check the descriptions first, then contact the faculty/staff to inquire.

I am a transfer student. How do I upload transcripts both from my previous school and from NYU?

Scan them into a single PDF and submit as one document.

What is required for the security clearance/background check process for the EDNY and SDNY externships?

For an overview, check the externship descriptions and the websites for the EDNY and SDNY. The most common suitability issues that arise during the security clearance process are: past unlawful use of drugs, including marijuana; failure to comply with financial obligations; failure to register for the selective service; and misrepresentations or omissions on the security form. Students must be U.S. citizens and must have spent 3 of the last 5 years in the United States. If you hold dual citizenship, have lived abroad for more than two of the past five years, or have any other questions about the security clearance process, contact the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) to consult their Government Handbook and/or Prosecution Handbook, or make an appointment with Gail Zweig.

Can the Clinic, Externship or Lab be used to satisfy the substantial writing requirement?

Some can. Check the description or contact the faculty/staff to inquire.

Do Clinic, Externship or Lab satisfy the New York State pro bono requirement?

Many do. It depends on the nature of the representation performed by students. Consult PILC's  Pro Bono page and contact their office with any questions.

Do the credits for Clinic, Externship or Labs count for the law school’s “experiential credits” requirement?

The fieldwork credits definitely count. The seminar credits will also count if the seminar uses simulations.