How to Navigate Law School

Are you on track to reach your goals? Consult this year-by-year list of important student mileposts and you can stop worrying about when to look for a summer job, what to do about the substantial writing requirement, and how to sign up for the Bar. 


Who Can Help with Questions about...

Academic Advising
Michelle Kirkland

Assistant Dean Michelle Kirkland and her team in Academic Services and Registration can help you with registration and course assignments, the course evaluation process, transcripts, records maintenance, and more. 


Academic Integrity and Curriculum
Radny Hertz

Vice Dean for Curriculum Randy Hertz oversees the implementation of degree requirements and course scheduling and can help you with concerns related to academic integrity or curriculum.


Academic and Student Support
Lindsay Kendrick

Dean of Students and Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion Lindsay Kendrick and her Student Affairs team offer academic support (including advisement, tutoring, leave of absence requests, etc.), counseling, and counseling referrals. 


Bar Exam
Michelle Kirkland

Assistant Dean Michelle Kirkland and her team in Academic Services and Registration can help you with all bar exam-related questions.


Career and Employment (Private Sector)
Pamela Mittman

Assistant Dean Pamela Mittman and her team can help you with questions that arise with employer interviews or summer positions, Early Interview Week, etc. 


Michelle Cherande

Assistant Dean of Clerkships Michelle Cherande and her team in the Judicial Clerkship Office can help you with issues related to clerkship applications and interviews. 


Clinics or Externships
Deborah Archer portrait

Associate Dean for Experiential Education and Clinical Programs Deborah Archer oversees clinical and externship offerings and can help with concerns related to clinical courses or externships.


Disability Accommodations

The NYU Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture works with students to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations that support equal access to education. The Moses Center can help with classroom, housing, facilities, or other related support or accommodations. 

Contact Robyn Weiss at

Diversity and Inclusion
Lindsay Kendrick

Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and Dean of Students Lindsay Kendrick and her Diversity and Inclusion team support and promote community diversity, inclusiveness, and belonging across a range of areas, including student life.


Financial Aid

The financial aid team, led by Senior Director Joel Schoenecker, can help answer questions about the various types of financial aid available to you, including institutional awards, federal and private loans, LRAP, and external scholarship opportunities.


Graduate Affairs
Barbara Landress

Senior Director Barbara Landress and her team in Graduate Affairs help LLM students with adjustment to a US law school, academic policies and procedures, course selection, bar exam eligibility, and personal and academic difficulty.


Graduate Tax Program
Brant Hellwig

Faculty Director Brant Hellwig and this team at the Graduate Tax Program can help answer graduate-tax related questions. 


Nancy Mah Chau

Director of Student Life Nancy Mah-Chau and her team help students with housing-related issues, such as concerns about roommates or neighbors, use of common areas, religious or other accommodations, etc.


Lawyering Program

Director Andy Williams can help with issues related to instruction or instructors in the Lawyering Program.


Public Service
Lisa Hoyes

Assistant Dean Lisa Hoyes and her team at the Public Interest Law Center can help with personal or financial implications regarding public service as well was public sector employment and interviewing. 
