Public interest Law Center

About PILC

What We Do   Who We Serve   PILC's Team

The Public Interest Law Center (PILC) offers a wide variety of funding opportunities and career planning programs to students and alumni, resulting in the most comprehensive public service infrastructure of any law school in the nation. NYU Law’s goal is for all graduates to incorporate public service into their careers.

What We Do

As the headquarters for public service at NYU Law, the Public Interest Law Center:

Who We Serve

PILC supports all students and alumni doing public service, whether for a summer, a term, or a lifetime.

Some students work with counselors from both PILC and the Office of Career Services (OCS), who specialize in private sector law careers. The boundary between the public and private sectors is not rigid, and many lawyers move back and forth between the two during their careers.

You can learn about upcoming public interest events through PILC's Events & Programs page, on The Docket, and through targeted emails based on the areas of interest you identify on CSM/Simplicity.

NOTE: PILC career counseling sessions for 1Ls begin after the mid-October session on Finding and Funding a 1L Summer Internship, but we can meet with 1Ls to discuss more general questions at any time.

The PILC Team

Led by Lisa Hoyes, NYU Law's Assistant Dean for Public Service, PILC's counselors and program administrators are committed to ensuring that all NYU Law students and alumni are supported throughout their public interest career search.