Distribute Written Materials
Written materials may be distributed before your event but must also be available at your event.
For in-person events, please have printed copies of your written materials available at the start of your event. At the start of an online webinar, please provide attendees with information on how to obtain the written materials. For instance, you may post copies of the written materials in a Zoom chat or you may post a link to your written materials.
You may not distribute your materials after the conclusion of your event.
Verify Attendance
Traditional Live Classroom (In-Person)
Monitor your sign-in/out sheet and remind attendees seeking CLE credit that they must sign-in and out, noting the time of arrival and departure.
Live Simultaneous Transmission (Webinar)
Please follow these instructions.
Distribute and Collect Program Evaluations
At the conclusion of your event, please provide each attendee the opportunity to complete a program evaluation. Attendees are not required to complete an evaluation in order to obtain CLE credit.
Collect completed evaluations.