Application & Selection


Application Information

In order to be considered for the NYU RJWR Fellowship, all applicants must meet with a PILC counselor to discuss their post-graduate job search and their fellowship proposal at least three weeks before the application deadline. Students who have already met with a PILC counselor in the context of preparing their proposed project for other fellowship applications are not required to do so again. Students who have not yet met with a PILC counselor, as well as anyone who has questions or would like to discuss the program further, should make an appointment with Katie Neilson.

  • Submit your application package to as a single PDF file.
  • File name: [Last Name] [First Name] - RJWR Fellowship Application
  • Email subject line: NYU RJWR Fellowship

NOTE: Your application will also be considered for the NYU Public Interest Law Center (PILC) Fellowship. You  do not need to submit separate applications.

Your application pdf should include the following:

  1. Completed Application Cover Sheet
  2. Resume (up to two pages)
  3. Project Proposal (300-500 words) describing:
    • The need that the project would address.
    • The goals of the project.
    • The work that the fellow will undertake.
  4. Personal Statement (300-500 words) discussing
    • Applicant’s career goals and how this fellowship would contribute to those goals.
    • Applicant’s skills and knowledge, including relevant clinics, internships, student group involvement and coursework.
  5. Host Organization Commitment Letter (300-500 words) describing:
    • The mission, current programs and staff of the organization.
    • The training and supervision that the fellow would receive, including the name and experience of the lawyer who would supervise the fellow.
    • How the applicant’s project would support the organization’s mission.
  6. Job Search Engagement Form
    • List all applications  you have submitted for post-graduate fellowship funding and employment. Include only those fellowships and jobs to which you have actually applied and the status of those applications. 
    • Please describe any restrictions in your search (i.e., geographic, type of work, etc.). 
    • Please specify and explain any offers that you have received or have turned down, including any private law firm offers.
    • You may send in an updated form at the time of your interview.
  7. Two Letters of Recommendation
    • One recommendation from a law school professor.
    • One recommendation from a former legal supervisor.
    • The letters should be addressed to “NYU Reproductive Justice & Women's Rights Selection Committee” and can either be submitted as part of the application packet, or directly by the recommender to

Selection Process and Criteria

NYU RJWR Fellows are selected by a selection committee consisting of one law school faculty member and one or two former RJWR fellows.

Selection criteria include:

  • Applicant’s qualifications, including commitment to public interest work.
  • Quality and potential impact of the proposed work.
  • Relevance of the proposed work to the applicant’s career goals.
  • Applicant’s job search and engagement with PILC.

Finalists will be invited to interview with the committee, generally in mid-March, at the law school or over Zoom, and selection will take place shortly thereafter.

Please reach out to Katie Neilson with any questions.