If you're interested in taking the New York State Bar Exam in July, you'll need to meet these deadlines.
By March 31
- Fill out the online application for Bar Exam, available beginning March 1.
- All online applications must be received through the BOLE online system between March 1 and March 31. The New York State Board of Law Examiners imposes strict deadlines for applications to take the Bar Exam.
- Bring the completed State Bar Authorization Form to the Office of Records & Registration, so that you can be certified for any bar that you designate.
- If you are an NYU School of Law alumni, you may send the bar certification form to:
Attention: Bar Forms Processor
Office of Records & Registration
New York University School of Law
245 Sullivan Street, Suite 400
New York, NY 10012
- If you are an NYU School of Law alumni, you may send the bar certification form to:
- For JD Students:
- Complete the online Certificate of Attendance-Juris Doctor. A copy of the form will automatically be sent to the Office of Records and Registration. (A sample of how to complete the form is available: Sample COA - PDF: 849 KB.)
In addition to the sample above, a review of Degree Progress/Audit Report on Albert may be helpful.
- Additional information for LLM students taking the New York Bar:
- Complete NY BOLE's Online Request for Evaluation of Foreign Law Credentials
- You must submit your Foreign Evaluation Form and supporting foreign documentation no later than October 1st for the July bar exam.
- BOLE recommends that candidates complete the Foreign Evaluation of Academic Credentials at least six months in advance of the application to sit for the bar.
- BOLE advises against applying for the bar exam prior to receiving a decision on the foreign evaluation because the application fee is not refundable.
- Complete the LLM Certificate of Attendance
- View the Eligibility Requirements for LLMs.
- Complete NY BOLE's Online Request for Evaluation of Foreign Law Credentials
By May 1
- Students must submit papers from prior semesters to their faculty member for a grade.
By Last Day of the NYU Spring Exam Period
- Students must complete all work from their final semester by the last day of the exam period for that semester.
- All grades must be entered by the University Registrar's Office before a student can be certified to take the Bar Examination.
After July Results Released
Complete the Skills Competency and Professional Values Requirement Form.
Applicable to students commencing the JD in August 2016 or later - use Pathway 1
Applicable to students commencing the LLM in August 2018 or later - use Pathway 4 or Pathway 5
Complete the Character and Fitness Form.
For various forms visit the New York Bar Admissions Information Site.
Mailed forms should be sent to:
Attention: Bar Forms Processor
Office of Records & Registration
New York University School of Law
245 Sullivan Street, Suite 400
New York, NY 10012
Or email the forms to the attention of Bar Forms Processor at: law.registration@nyu.edu