Records and Registration

Subsequent Registration Cycles

You must use COURSES to participate in subsequent registration cycles. After the first bidding cycle, you may continue to bid on all courses. 

If you bid on a closed course you are essentially placing yourself on a waitlist. Your place on the waitlist is determined by the number of points bid on the course. 

NOTE: It is recommended that you complete your bidding transactions well before midnight on the last day of the bidding cycle to avoid problems connecting to or being disconnected from COURSES. No special accommodation can be made if you miss the deadline.

Dropping a Course after the COURSES System Closes for a Particular Semester

After COURSES closes for bidding registration, you can request to drop classes (or only add Directed Research, Writing Credit, or Non-Law Classes that have not yet begun).

Please use the Law Registrar's Service Desk to submit a request for an Add or Drop.

You will be asked to provide:

Student Name
Semester you are adding or dropping course(s) (current or previous semesters only)
Course Title, Course Number and Section
Course Professor

  • Note: If faculty name is not available in the drop-down menu please use TBA professor and note faculty name in the description box.

Course Credit
Total credits for the semester after you add/drop course(s).

If you have multiple classes in a semester, please include all the classes in one request.  However, if you have classes from separate semesters, please submit a new request.

For courses requiring permission to drop, please attach the email from the professor giving you permission to drop; the attach button is right after the description field.

Please also fill out the name and email fields as this will automatically assign this request to you and you can track the progress of your request.

The Service Desk button is available 24/7, but we will be processing requests during our normal NYC business hours, Monday- Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  It may take two to three business days to process your request.

  • We strongly advise that you contact the Office of Financial Services to learn how your drop may affect your financial aid package or loans.

Except as provided below, a course may be dropped through 5:00 p.m. on the (general) last day of classes for that semester without a notation of WD.

*NOTE: For College of Arts and Sciences Language courses, please use the Law Registrar's Service Desk select add or drop, and attach a completed University add/drop form.

** NOTE: Full-Time students must remain registered for the required number of credits for full-time status. 
If any work has been evaluated or if any exam is given, you may not drop a course even if a final grade has not been received.  Please carefully note that if you are taking a seven-week course, the last day of the course is the deadline to drop it.


Dropping a Seminar, Colloquium, Simulation, or Writing Credit After the COURSES System has Closed for a Particular Semester

  • You must obtain the signature of the professor and an advisor of the appropriate office using an add/drop form as COURSES will be closed for add/drop at that time.
  •  If permission has been granted on an add/drop form, a seminar, colloquium, simulation, or writing credit may be dropped through 5:00 p.m. on the last day of classes for that semester (or for a seven-week course, on the last day of that class) without notation of a WD provided that no work has been evaluated. 
  • No drops will be permitted once the reading/exam period has begun.
  • If a faculty member requires you to drop a course, seminar, simulation, or colloquium for failure to attend classes, you will be withdrawn with the notation of “WD.” Please note that these rules supersede the policy that a student may drop a course up until the last day of class without receiving a WD on his or her transcript.

Dropping a Year-Long Course 

  • You must complete the full year in order to receive credit for either semester, and you must be registered for both the Fall and the Spring semesters to have a space in the class. Registering for only one semester alone is not sufficient.
  • NOTE: If you bid for the Fall portion of the course, you do not have to list the Spring portion of the course as a high priority in your Spring bid selections. You may either list the Spring portion as low priority in you Spring bidding selections of simply add the Spring section using add/drop. Please do not register for other Spring classes that conflict with the Spring section of your year-long course.

Late Adds 

  • For Fall, students may not add courses, seminars, simulations or colloquia after 9:30 a.m. on September 5, which is the end of the Fall 2024 bidding period, and for Spring 2025 after 9:30 a.m. on January 30.
  • In rare cases, when there are compelling personal circumstances (grave illness, family emergency, e.g.) a student may submit a petition to the Office of Academic Services for review by the Vice Dean to late add.
  • For seminars, both the approval of the instructor and the Vice Dean is required.