When you live on-campus, you are more than just a resident; you are part of a warm, supportive community. The Law School's Faculty in Residence program provides residents with opportuniities to participate in informal conversations on key issues with experts in their fields. We also have a strong commitment to green initiatives.
Getting along with your apartment-mates makes for a good Law School experience. Here are some tips for creating a successful living situation.
Athletic Facilities
- All students have access to the NYU athletic facilities. Here, students have the opportunity to participate in a number of recreational classes, intermurals, and more.
Campus Safety
- The NYU Department of Campus Safety provides emergency help and information 24 hours a day. If you need assistance, call (212) 998-2222.
Dining Services
- Meal Plan options are available to Law students through the University Campus Dining Service.
Health Center
- The Student Health Center is a campus resource that provides medical and counseling services to all matriculated NYU students.
If You're Looking For...
- Information Technology Services (telephone/resnet)
- Law ITS Help Desk
- International Students Services
- Moses Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Culture
- NYU Bookstore
- NYU Card Center
- New York City Subway & Bus Information (Maps)
- NYU Law Library
- Office of the Bursar
- Athletics
- Campus Cable
- FIX Work Requests
- Campus Safety
- Resource Centers
- University Transportation
- Wellness Exchange