Students preparing for graduation should also prepare to begin repayment on their loans. The first step is to review the student copies of the loan applications and promissory notes to ascertain the beginning payment dates and amounts. Some loans do not have any grace periods, and repayment begins immediately after graduation. Most loans, however, have grace periods during which re-payments are not needed.
Students are responsible for notifying lenders of their current address. Failure to notify lenders may result in a great deal of confusion for both student and lender, and could possibly lead to default and legal action even though the student intended to make payments.
Additionally, there are some things to be cautious about when borrowing federal student loans. Students and graduates may receive calls from third party entities or see many ads on social media offering to help manage student loan debt. We encourage students to be vigilant about solicitations they may receive from third parties regarding their federal student loans. While the U.S. Department of Education offers some legitimate student loan forgiveness programs and ways to lower your student loan payments, they are all free to apply for through your official loan servicer. On the Department of Education's website you will find more information about how to spot student loan scams. We encourage student loan borrowers to review this available information.