
Law Alumni Association

The LAA Board of Directors Nomination Form is now available!

You can help to ensure active and diverse representation on the Board by nominating qualified alumni candidates or submitting a self-nomination during the open-nomination period.

Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. Any qualifying nominations received after the review period will be routed for consideration for membership the following year.

Download the nomination form here.

Congratulations and a warm welcome to the new Board members!

President Vice Presidents
Lance A. Polivy '13

Ayana N. Free '07
Suzanna Publicker Mettham '09
Evert H. Vink MCJ '95

Directors Associate Directors Honorary Directors

Said Bakir LLM ’15
Zachary Bass ’21
Effie Blassberger '11
Marc Bonora ’00 
Patrick Bradford ’89
Michelle B. Cherande '97
Kalyan Das LLM '89
Matthew Fishbein ’79
Lee Turner Friedman '08
Tara J. Gabbai '96
Jesús Garcia Aparicio LLM ’15  
Hernan Garza LLM ’06
Spencer C. Joffrion '15
Barbaros Karaahmet MCJ ’95 
Timothy Leech ’16
Andrew Lichtman ’10
Anusha Madhusudhan LLM '17
Kartik S. Madiraju '17
Stephen S. Mar '11
Elio F. Martinez, Jr. '85
Bryan Parker '95 
Monica Ramirez de Arellano ’15
Debra Smith ’78
Mathura Sridharan ’18
Nawi Ukabiala LLM '14
Alec Webley ’16
Elan Weinberger '21
Justin Weitz '11
Boji Wong '04
Philippe Zimmerman ’91

Recent board members are bolded.

Daniel Aun LLM '12
Simon Batifort LLM '11
Nancy Batterman '85
Craig Bolton '08
Robert W. Bulger '83
Sarah Davidoff '96
Elizabeth DeGori '14
John Edward Failla '88
W. Michael Garner '75
Nancy Lowe Henry '75
Nicole N. Idoko '14
Alan M. Klinger '81
Joseph J. LaRosa '83
C. Scott Lent '99
Igor Levin '92
Maria Florencia Librizzi LLM '12
Cynthia Fernandez Lumermann '11
Anna L. MacCormack '08
Lorraine Mandel '76
Lawrence D. Mandelker LLM '06
Anne Kennedy McGuire '06
Peter B. Morrison '99
Arinze N. Onugha '07
Henrik P. Patel '01
Michael R. Roberts '16 
Lois Nacht Rosen '79
Raymond B. Schwartzberg LLM '72
Howard J. Shire '79
Alessandra Tebaldi LLM '05
Daniela Weber Tisch '08
Honorable Troy Webber '81
Stefanie Merry Wool '05

Norma C. Abbene '89
Herbert Barbot ’91
Valerie L. Bowen '90
Kelvin D. Chen '04
Lloyd B. Chinn '92
Sandra Coudert Graham ’94 
Edward G. Eisert '73
Steven H. Epstein '86
Philip L. Friedman ’68 
Stephen R. Greenwald '66, LLM '95
Samuel P. Gunther '66, LLM '71
Frederick S. Harris '79
T. Randolph Harris '77, LLM '83
Patricia E. Hennessey '79
Patricia Hewitt '90
Joel Hirschtritt ’70  
Christine Homer '90
Peter Lallas '04
Scott M. Lerman '94
Elizabeth Manko Libby '87
Monique J. Mulcare '91
Allen F. London '73
Sandra M. Marsh '81
The Honorable J. Kevin McKay '69
Leigh M. Meaders-Robinson '94
Jeffrey L. Nagel '94
The Honorable Eduardo Padro '80
Jonathan E. Pickhardt '98
Jason R. Pickholz '94
Tracy E. Pogue '91
Joseph Polizzotto ’78 
Mark D. Risk '84
Carol A. Robles-Roman '89 (In Memoriam)
Lawrence M. Rosenstock '68
The Honorable Mark H. Snyder ’77 
Kara H. Stein '95
Jerome Walker '84
Richard Wong '69 (In Memoriam)
Past Presidents Lifetime Director

Rocco F. Andriola '82, LLM '86
The Honorable Carol H. Arber '68
Edward E. Blakeslee '47, LLM '58 (In Memoriam)
Emily T. Campbell '95
Joseph E. Ehrlich ’97
Leonard J. Felzenberg '55
Donald T. Fox '56 (In Memoriam)
The Honorable Norman Goodman '50 (In Memoriam)
Katherine R. Frink-Hamlett '91
Jonathan M. Herman '73
Katrina E. James ’07
Jonathan G. Kortmansky '94
Paul C. Kurland '70
Marvin S. Lerman '65, LLM '70
Martin Lipton '55
Lawrence A. Mandelker '68
Robert J. McDermott '70, LLM '74
Steven S. Miller '70
Lester Pollack '57 (In Memoriam)
Carren B. Shulman '91

Leonard Boxer '63
The Honorable Barry A. Cozier '75
The Honorable Betty Weinberg Ellerin '52
The Honorable Jonathan Lippman '68
The Honorable Raymond J. Lohier '91

LAA Committees

Alumni Engagement Committee

The Committee provides opportunities to engage alumni and students; seeks to increase alumni engagement by planning local and regional events, including events sponsored or co-sponsored by the Association such as the Public Interest Law Center benefit, an Association signature event, awards events, and more localized events to facilitate networking among alumni; determines funding mechanisms for events not sponsored by the Law School; partners with the Law School’s Board of Trustees, Dean’s Office, Development and Alumni Relations Office, and other relevant organizations to ensure that the interests of the Association and the Members are represented. 

By-Laws Committee

The Committee acts in a role of guidance and support to amend the by-laws to reflect the changes and adjust language to increase flexibility for future changes.

Graduate Division Committee

The Committee assists the Law School’s Graduate Division (including the Office of Graduate Affairs, the Office of Career Services, the Public Interest Law Center, and the J.S.D. program) in developing initiatives and programs tailored to the unique needs of the Law School’s graduate students and alumni of the Graduate Division.

Nominating Committee

The Committee solicits nominations, reviews recommendations, and selects alumni to the LAA Board. Also develops and implements criteria for evaluating the performance of Directors, Associate Directors, and Officers.

Recent Graduate Committee

The Committee works on outreach and engagement with recent graduates (10 years out or less) including organizing a fall and/or spring event.