Madi Gates ’26

Madi Gates ’26

International Law and Human Rights Fellow 
Staff Editor,
Journal of International Law and Politics 

What inspired you to become a lawyer? Have your ambitions changed since you first chose this path?

During college, I worked for the Post-Prison Education Program in Seattle, supporting incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals throughout their sentences and reentry into society. I noticed that those who made the biggest impact for their clients were often those with a Juris Doctor, inspiring me to pursue law school. 

As I’ve learned more about the law, my ambitions have evolved. New topics have captured my interest—ones I didn’t even know existed before. Now, having an open mind is what guides my path, and I am still exploring where I feel I can make a meaningful impact.

What was your most memorable or valuable class from your IL year?

International Law with Professor [Philip] Alston [John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law]. I was particularly drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of international law, which integrated concepts from all my other 1L courses. It was incredibly rewarding to see how the pieces fit together, making the material fascinating and impactful as I began to see the broader applications of what I had learned.

This past summer, you lived in Europe and worked with the European Roma Rights Centre. What were your main takeaways from that experience?

Living and working in Europe was incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of an international team and getting to take on significant responsibilities, like drafting amicus briefs for the European Court of Human Rights. It was exciting to contribute to important projects and collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. Overall, the opportunity reinforced my enthusiasm for working in a global context. I’m particularly excited to build on this experience and dive deeper into EU law when I study at NYU Law Abroad in Paris this spring.

What did you learn about yourself during your IL year? What things do you hope to learn this year?

During my 1L year, I learned I can exceed my own perceived limits. The experience pushed me far beyond my comfort zone, forcing me to confront and manage the stress and nerves that came with it. Looking back, I’m proud of how much I’ve grown and how I navigated those challenges. For my 2L year, I’m eager to dive into more practical, hands-on experiences. I hope to build confidence in applying what I’ve learned in real-world settings and continue growing both professionally and personally.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day in New York City?

My ideal day in New York City starts with an early morning run on the High Line, where I can watch the sunrise over the skyline. Afterward, I’d enjoy a coffee at The Marlton and do some work by the fireplace. Next, I’d savor an oversized sandwich from Fiacco’s. In the afternoon, I’d explore the West Village, and I’d wrap up the day with dinner at a new spot, catching up with friends and trying great food.

Did you read any books/hear any podcasts this summer that you would recommend?

One book I would recommend is The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I’m also currently reading Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind by Molly McGhee. For a daily dose of news and music, I enjoy listening to Daily Drive on Spotify. It’s a convenient way to stay updated each morning with a mix of short podcasts and new music.

Posted September 6, 2024