In memoriam: Donald T. Fox ’56

Donald T. Fox ’56, a legal visionary in the field of international business law and a dedicated supporter of NYU Law, died on June 26.

Donald Fox
Donald Fox '56

Fox graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1951 and served as a first lieutenant in the United States Air Force before earning his JD from NYU Law in 1956. A Root-Tilden Scholar, Fox followed his passion for international law to the University of Paris, where, as a Fulbright Scholar, he earned two additional law degrees.

Fox’s legal career continued as a litigator at Davis Polk, but his vision for international business law soon inspired him to establish what would become the law firm of Fox Horan & Camerini. Through his firm, Fox played a crucial role in representing foreign businesses in the United States and American companies abroad, a commitment evident in his leadership as chairman of the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists.

In addition to his many professional achievements, Fox was a devoted member of the NYU Law community. For 10 years, he served on its Board of Trustees, with a particular focus on foreign law institutes. He also served two terms as president of the NYU School of Law Alumni Association and as president of the University’s federation of alumni associations. Fox generously supported the Law School over the years through the Weinfeld Fund, the Root-Tilden-Kern Fund, and the NYU Law Fund. His dedication to legal education extended to teaching comparative law at the Law School, where he shared his vast knowledge and passion for the subject with future generations of lawyers.

“Donald’s life was one of purpose, excellence, and profound betterment of the world,” said Dean Troy McKenzie ’00. “His practice transcended law, and served as a bridge across cultures and economies. He will be greatly missed.”

Posted August 12, 2024