Earlier this week, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Professor of Law Ryan Goodman penned an op-ed on the Guardian's online site about the U.S. involvement in Yemen’s civil war. Goodman writes that although “no act of government calls for greater debate and deliberation than the decision to commit the country to war… the president appears to have secretly inserted the United States in Yemen’s civil war.”
"The administration's decision to become directly involved in militarily defeating the insurgency in Yemen may be sound policy; or it may not. Right or wrong, it is not for President Obama alone to decide," Goodman argues.
This is just one of a number of pieces on foreign policy and national security that Goodman has recently published. As co-editor-in-chief of the new blog Just Security, an online forum for the rigorous analysis of law, rights, and U.S. national security policy, Goodman has written on a range of subjects, including analyses of a Human Rights Watch report on U.S. targeted killing practices in Yemen, two new U.N. drones reports, and the case of Abu Anas al-Libi. Goodman has also appeared in his capacity as co-editor of Just Security on Huffington Post Live and on NPR to discuss these and other topics.
Other NYU Law faculty members and affiliates contributing to Just Security include Philip Alston, John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law; Sarah Knuckey, research director of the Law School’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice; Professor of Clinical Law Margaret Satterthwaite; Stephen Schulhofer, Robert B. McKay Professor of Law; and University Professor Jeremy Waldron.
Philip Alston recently published a piece on transparency and the Heyns' U.N. drones report; Stephen Schulhofer has addressed the NSA's data collection and the "administrative search" doctrine; and Margaret Satterthwaite recently wrote on Abu Anas al-Libi and "rendition to justice." Satterthwaite's analysis of the case of al-Libi under human rights and humanitarian law garnered media attention from the Atlantic Wire. Sarah Knuckey's overview of the key issues at stake in two reports by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International on targeted killings has also been widely cited.
Read more about these subjects on justsecurity.org, and follow @just_security, @SarahKnuckey, @rgoodlaw, and @SatterthwaiteML on Twitter.
Posted on October 25, 2013