The NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business, in cooperation with the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Law and Economics and the Wharton School’s Financial Institutions Center, sponsored the eighth annual Penn/NYU Conference on Law and Finance on February 24 and 25 at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. William Allen, Nusbaum Professor of Law and Business and director of the Pollack Center, served as a conference organizer.
On the first day of the conference Stephen Choi, Murray and Kathleen Bring Professor of Law, presented a paper co-written with Professor Adam Pritchard of the University of Michigan Law School and Anat Carmy Wiechman (LL.M. ’11), special counsel at Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser. The co-authors studied the impact of media coverage on U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigations, finding that increased scrutiny of option backdating by the press resulted in the SEC’s shifting enforcement resources to that issue and away from other, more significant accounting issues.
That same day, Professor Ryan Bubb served as commentator for a paper about enhancing shareholder control through proxy access, and on the second day of the conference, Professor John Coates ’89 of Harvard Law School discussed dispute management through contract.
Posted on March 13, 2012