On January 29th, David O'Keefe '95 was awarded an inaugural Robert M. Morgenthau Award for Region One from the District Attorneys Association of the State of New York. The award is given to outstanding prosecutors from four designated regions of the state who exemplify Morganthau’s “ideals of protecting the public and administering the laws fairly and without fear or favor.” O'Keefe, currently senior trial counsel at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, has been a prosecutor for 14 years and was chosen for his work fighting violent crime in and around New York City Housing Authority developments.
“[O'Keefe's] work embodies the standard epitomized by Mr. Morgenthau that a prosecutor must seek justice appropriate to each defendant in every case,” said new District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. “He has worked to ensure not only that justice is achieved in his own cases but also in every case and for every defendant prosecuted throughout this office.”
The District Attorneys Association announced the formation of the annual award last September in honor of Morgenthau, who retired in December after serving as District Attorney for New York County for 35 years.
Posted February 4, 2010