A major conference in Shanghai on January 17-18 showcased the international law expertise of several NYU Law faculty, as well as the Law School’s new stake in the world’s most populous city proper immediately following the launch this month of NYU Law’s ambitious study-abroad program in Shanghai.
“Business Beyond Borders: Law, Firms and Markets in the US and China,” jointly sponsored by NYU Law, NYU’s Stern School of Business, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s KoGuan Law School, and the NYU Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement, assembled more than three dozen experts from around the globe. Panelists discussed topics including law and securities markets, China’s evolving financial system, corporate criminal enforcement and compliance for multinational firms, encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in China, antitrust law and policy both there and in the US, cross-border M&A and joint ventures, and employment and labor issues.
The conference was organized by Jennifer Arlen ’86, Norma Z. Paige Professor of Law and director of the NYU Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement; Associate Professor Jennifer Carpenter and Professor Kose John of the Stern School of Business; and Professor Shen Wei of Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s KoGuan Law School. Dean Trevor Morrison made introductory remarks at the conference. Other participants included Vice Dean Kevin Davis; Cynthia Estlund, Catherine A. Rein Professor of Law; Eleanor Fox ’61, Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation; Geoffrey Miller, Stuyvesant P. Comfort Professor of Law; and Ira Belkin ’82, executive director of NYU Law’s US-Asia Law Institute.
Posted on January 31, 2014