
Placing Items on Course Reserve

  • If you would like to place material on reserve for a course you will be teaching, please fill out our course reserve form. Faculty are asked to return this form as soon as possible before the semester begins to ensure adequate time to acquire material not already owned (minimum one month).
  • Faculty may also place personal copies of print material on reserve. Email Aparna Frank so that the library can retrieve the material.
  • Once available, Course Reserve material is held at the circulation desk. Normal circulation periods for Course Reserve materials is two hours.
Links to Library E-Resources
  • The Law Library subscribes to databases that may offer resources, such as study aids or articles, that can be incorporated into your syllabus, providing easy access for your students. Please check with a reference librarian to find out what's available.
  • Our guide on Linking to Library Electronic Resources provides guidance for you or your assistants on how to create these links to library resources.

Faculty members are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders when appropriate. Please consult NYU’s webpage on Copyright and Fair Use, NYU Libraries' Copyright guide or the Association of Research Libraries' Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries.